Playdate | P/H AU Part 1

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P/H AU stands for Parent/Human AU
It's not counted as a normal chapter as it's strictly platonic. Basically, a few sanses are adults, the rest are kids. They are all humans. Part two may take a few more days to write since I need to take constant breaks for a sore wrist, and I want these to be long, sorry-

The adults will be; Dream, Nightmare and Classic.
Kids I will list at the end, in age order, so this part isn't too long.

I'd love to know how you guys feel about this, comments are super appreciated!


Dream was in the kitchen, preparing a lunch for the two kids he took care of. He was trying to get the two kids to eat healthier, but the younger of them, Ink, really loved sweets, and threw a tantrum whenever he got fruit instead. He had barely finished putting together the plates when he suddenly heard crying from the next room over. That was strange, usually the crying didn't start until after they got their food, so Dream went to check it out.

He found Ink sitting on the floor, bawling as the older boy, Blue, was trying to shush him. Blue was holding a large cardboard tube, Dream wasn't sure where he got that from but knowing his kids, he could put together what happened pretty quickly. He walked over and picked Ink up, cradling the crying boy until he calmed down enough to speak, Blue kept trying to come up with excuses but stopped when little Ink glared at him for lying.

"D-dream... he hit me on da head..." Ink wiped his own tears and stared up at Dream. He was definitely playing up his pain for pity, since a cardboard tube couldn't do that much damage, but it had gotten Blue all worked up as well.

"Oh dear... it's okay Ink, I'm sure he didn't mean it. Blue, please try to be a little more careful next time, Ink is a lot smaller than you remember." He looked at the other young boy as he placed Ink down on the couch. Blue nodded in response, sitting down next to Ink and apologising for hurting him. Ink still seemed a little upset so Dream thought of a way to cheer him up.

"Hey, where's that smile Ink? Come on, remember we're going to go visit uncle Nightmare after lunch, doesn't that make you happy?" Dream couldn't stop himself from smiling at the way the young boy's face lit up at being reminded of their playdate later. Something about his brother and the kids he took care of always seemed to make Ink feel better, though he couldn't understand how. Blue and most of the other kids they played with were scared of them, he figured that Ink was just too young to grasp the concept of fear. Not like he was complaining though, it meant he could send the younger child to Nightmare for babysitting if ever he needed it.

"Eat lunch now?" Ink asked as he slipped off the sofa and landed on the floor, thankfully not hitting his head on the way down.

"It's almost ready, you can come into the kitchen and wait. But, you have to eat all your fruits if you want to go see uncle Nightmare and the others." Ink whined loudly at this but didn't protest, he knew that when Dream said something like that, he meant it. Blue picked up the smaller boy and carried him to the kitchen, also wanting to get lunch faster as he enjoyed playing with the other kids, Dream followed to finish up their meals. He had to move Ink up to his high chair, as he was still too small to reach the big table and Blue couldn't get him into the chair by himself, but that only took a minute and soon the children were eating their lunches.

Dream left them to eat by themselves, going to grab some clothes for the boys to wear once they went out. When he was out if the room, Ink offered him remaining fruit to Blue. He had to eat them quickly so that Dream wouldn't catch them, but he liked eating fruit so he was happy to. Clean plates were what Dream came back to, a pleasant surprise, he had expected Ink to throw his fruit on the floor or something but it looked like he had eaten it all. That was definitely an improvement. He gushed at how proud he was of Ink as he lifted him out of the chair, also making sure to praise Blue as well so the older child didn't feel left out or jealous.

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