#39 Creaper

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Requested by Pepsi248

Unfortunately, due to one of my requesters seemingly deleting their comments, I have to cancel their request. Sorry.


Cross lated alone in his bed, he had had a tough day but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get to sleep. He figured it had something to do with the absense of his boyfriend, that jerk had to work the graveyard shift.

He tossed and turned, and turned and tossed. Every position he moved into giving him another reason to complain. Why was this bed so damn uncomfortable? This blanket is too hot. This blanket is too cold. It went on and on. Eventually, he just decided to give up. He sat up and switched on his tv, putting a movie on and laying on his front to watch it. Part of him hoped that the movie would send him to sleep, but as was more likely, it just made him even more restless.

It was beginning to make him agitated, so he decided to get up and go do something, satisfy this annoying urge to be out if bed. He didn't bother taking the time to chang from his pajamas to his usual attire, and so left the world in which he resides in the comfort of his sleepwear.

The world he ended up in was one all too familiar to him, he knew exactly where to go. He beelined it for a dead tree at which he found one of his favourite skeletons, Reaper, slacking off on his job like usual. The other skeleton had his eyes closed and his hands behind his head, he looked like he was asleep, a fact of which Cross confirmed with a little poking around. He didn't see reason to wake the other skeleton up however also didn't see fit in staying out there in the cold, so he made a compromise with himself; carefully picking up the other, whom he was able to touch for reasons not quite known to either of them, and returned back to his sleeping area with the other safe in his arms.

The entire way Reaper never woke up, not even when Cross laid him on his own bed, got into the bed with him, and started cuddling him. Cross did question the morality of removing one from their resting place for personal gain, but he didn't really care for morality in the first place so that was a passing thought. As for his restlessness? It seemed to have been solved by the warmth that the other brought to his soul, and Cross drifted off to sleep quickly.

In the morning he had quite a lot of explaining to do, but to him it was totally worth it, because a night of cuddles with his favourite skeleton was worth far more than that skeleton being a little annoyed at a technical abduction. Either way, Cross knew that Reaper had enjoyed the cuddling, he did cuddle back after all.

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