A/N - probably my most important of all

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I never thought I'd end up writing an authors note like this, but here we are.

This isn't one of my typical disconnect from the Undertale fandom, taking a break notes that I've done far too many times in the past. And I'm not even sure how to explain what's going on here.

I'd like to start off by apologising to everyone whos request I never completed. I hate to let you down like this, and I'm sorry - that is if any of you are still even reading at this point. I doubt it.

The truth is I'm still very much in the Undertale Fandom, I love the aus, I love my rare ships, and I love writing. I don't think I have writings block, it's been far too long for that to be the case.

But, despite all that, this book is ending.

I won't get too deep into my own issues, just know that I am getting the help I need and have been prescribed medication which, since taking for over 2 months, everyone in my life claims they've seen improvement with me. They say I seem happier, sometimes I worry that I might be faking it, but then there are times I do genuinely feel happy and I know it will all be alright.

This isn't the end, that I can promise. Rather, this is only the beginning. I plan to continue writing Sanscest fanfiction, just not here. My plan is hopefully to set up an account on Archive Of Our Own (Ao3) within the next few months and start my writing career over there instead, once I figure out how all of that works.

 I hope that any of you who enjoyed my work here will continue to support me over there, whether you've used the site before or not. It's pretty good in that it doesn't require an account to read the stories posted.

My next, and final update on this book with be another authors note letting you know how to find my account and stories once they are made, I'll be under a new name so it'll be the only way. Though I haven't come up with that new name yet-

For anyone considering reading on Ao3, that haven't already, the fic that got me into the site was a Sans Au one named 'For the Forgotten Ones' by Im_Sorry_Buddy , I highly recommend the read, it's fantastic.

Again, this isn't my final goodbye. I love you all and all the years I've spent writing fanfiction on this site... here lies some of the best memories of my teenage life. It almost feels like I'm graduating. I started writing just starting my teenage years, and here - almost four years later - I'm preparing to become an adult. Crazy how time flies.

I'm extremely nervous about pushing that publish button. Guess if you're reading this, I've solidified my choice. I hope you'll all forgive me and at least some of you will look forward to my future work.

I might have rambled on a little bit here-

I'm still happy to respond to comments on this book or answer questions any reader might have, it was always one of my favourite parts of this hobby. Take care of yourselves, my friends. See you again soon.

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