#40 Outer x Horror

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Requested by Pepsi248

Based on that one headcanon on that one page.

TW: Kidnapping technically I guess?

Horror wasnt quite sure what had landed him in the current situation.

"...And over there is a star called..."

The words of his captor faded in and out of his focus, he was much more focused on trying to find an escape.

"Oh! That ones part of a constellation, so is that one, one of my favourites actually."

It was honestly strange how nobody else in the world was able to see them, although Horror had to admit it did seem like he had been brought to a very private location...

"..are you even...?"

Looking at stars was probably the most ridiculous reason he had ever seen someone have for kidnapping another person, and yet here he was, forced to stare at stars for god knows how long. Who knows if he ever would be granted his freedom?


"Huh? What's your problem?"

"My problem is that you arent paying attention to me. Stop staring off into space and listen, unless you want to be stuck here forever?"

Horror shut his mouth, staring at the other skeleton. He didn't want to admit it but Outer had this kind of charm that made him want to listen. It was something he didn't understand but he shifted his focus onto the starry skeleton and let him educate him on the universe.

That was only the first, and definitely not the last time this would happen to Horror. As it turned out, Outer had done this to many others to find people he thought as suitable star gazing friends, and one of the people that skeleton had taken a liking to after their first meeting was Horror.

Several times of the coming months Horror would be taken from a place he was at; Nightmare's castle, his own AU, even in the middle of fights woth the Star Sanses, and every time he returned nobody questioned a thing and just rolled with it. At some point, he even began to go willingly, being given time to bond with other sanses that had fallen victim to Outer's slightly crazy method of making friends, not to mention how close he grew to Outer himself. The other skeleton just had that charm, that made him so nice to be around... and so beautiful in the star light.

One day Horror stumbled across Outer star gazing alone. This didn't happen often, but it sure was a nice sight to behold. He sat next to the other, flashing him a sharp grin, which Outer returned with a smile of his own. No words needed to be exchanged for them to know what they both wanted. Horror laid down, Outer began pointing out stars and explaining them. Until suddenly, Horror got this urge. He dodn't even hink before immediately acting on it, grabbing Outer's small hand and holding it in his own. His soul was filled with joy ths moment that Outer held him back, rather than pulling away. Horror didn't want to let this moment slip away and so he did what any rational thing a monster would do to remember a special moment with a special person, turning Outer's head towards him and clanking their teeth together in a magical starry night kiss scene.

Of course, Outer just had that kind of charm that made people want to do this. That's what Horror told himself at least. But he knew deep down his feelings were real and not just 'the charm' of an attractive skeleton with a love for stars. He was sure of that the second he tried to pull away, but Outer dragged him closer to continue the kiss.

Yep, this was the one.

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