#22 Geno x Nightmare

367 7 6

Requested by JessiePuff.
Human au.

I really like the prompt given for this one.


Nightmare sat on the couch, scrolling through his phone. He was waiting for his roommate to get back from work. A smile danced across his usually cold face as he though about his roommate... Geno.

Much to his surprise, Nightmare had fallen in love with the guy he'd lived with since college. Unlike his friend, he wasn't the type to hide his feelings and already was planning out a date for the two of them, even if he hadn't asked yet.

A little while later, Geno walked through the door. He flopped down on the sofa a little away from Nightmare and sighed tiredly.

"Hey G, how was work?" Nightmare asked with a smug smile, ready knowing Geno's response.

"Humans suck." Usually at this point, Nightmare would say 'But you're a human.' but this time he had something else up his sleeve.

"Do I suck?" Geno sputtered out some nonsense for a few seconds, trying to not offend the guy he likes, while Nightmare chuckled at his attempts. He ran his fingers through Geno's messy hair and decided to chance the subject.

"You don't have work tomorrow, do you?"

"Hm? No I don't. Why?" Geno looked up, staring into Nightmare's pretty eye...

"I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?"

"Wh-what?!" Geno's face exploded into a bright red blush as he proccessed what his friend had just said.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?" The taller repeated, staring at Geno as he awaited an answer.

"I... uhm... yeah sure." Two pale hands flew up, covering Geno's face from the world's veiw.

"Great! I'll come wake you up tomorrow when the time come." Nightmare go up,  heading to the living room door, "Goodnight" and with that he disappeared up the stairs, leaving Geno flustered and confused.

The next day came by quicker than either of them expected it to. Since it wasn't going to be a big or fancy date, Nightmare threw on his nicest casual clothes, then went to wake up Geno.

They left the house together, in the late afternoon when the sun was beginning to set. To any passer by, they would've looked like two friends on a walk together, that was until Geno silently slid hid hand into Nightmare's and hid his flustered face in the red scarf he always wore. Nightmare also felt himself start to blush a little, a rare occurrence.

They went to a fairly unpopular coffee shop, it was a good store, just not many people knew about it. Which made it the perfect place for a quiet date. Most of the time they were there, they spent in comfortable silence. Which was good, because since they basically already knew everything about eacho other if they tried to make conversation it would probably end in a lot of awkwardness.

Then, after finishing their drinks they began making the walk home. The sky was now dark, sprinkled with stars and hardly any clouds. The air was a lot cooler but no wind was being heavily blown. It was the perfect weather to end the perfect date.

When the made it home, they collapsed on the sofa together, with Geno laying ontop of Nightmare.

"That was fun." He said, yawning right after.

"Yeah, we should do it more often." Geno nodded at that statement and as he drifted off to sleep, Nightmare pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek.

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