#42 Error x Cross

321 5 7

Requested by Pepsi248

Wow multiple chapters at once? How very unlike you Sparles...
Short but sweet, that's this chapter.


"So... are you going to let me go now, or...?"

Error sighed in annoyance and looked up at the captured Sans in his anti-void.

"For the last time, no. I'm not going to let you go. You'll just have to suffer." He glared at the slightly annoying monochrome skeleton, Error definitely wouldn't have put up with this for so long with he hadn't grown numb to minor annoyances, thanks to a certain artistic enemy of his.

"Aw, come on Error. I said I was sorry! I didn't know it was your chocolate, I swear!" Cross swung slightly in the blue strings he was suspended with, looking down at his grumpy boyfriend. He had been up there for hours, his limbs all very numb at this point. Error was really holding it against him this time, he began to wonder if he would ever be set free.

"Sorry doesn't fix it. You should have thought before you went and ate it, no excuses." Error brought Cross down closer to him and flicked his forehead, causing a small grumble of pain to come from him.

"Fine... if that wont make up for it, maybe a kiss will?" He flirted, winking at Error. This seemed to catch his interesting as he stared into Cross' eye sockets.

"A kiss where?" He inquired, last time this happened, Cross had tricked him and only given him a cheek kiss, not what he bargained for. This time, he was determined to get the one he wanted.

"...On the lips, for at least fifteen seconds." Error thought about the offer breifly, before promptly dropping Cross to the ground and looking at him expectantly.

Cross stood up, brushing himself off and got closer to his partner. He was so proud of Error for coming such a long way since the start if their relationship. He used to not be able to do physical contact at all, but they had worked through it together, and now; even though it wasn't their main love language, he was so much better. He held his boyfriend's cheek and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. The kiss lasted longer than promised, as the two treasured the tender moment they were sharing, but eventually it has to come to an end.

Error had a goofy smile on his face as he pulled Cross down to sit next to him afterwards, both coming down from the sparks and emotions that flew during that small kiss.

"..I don't mind that you stole my chocolate."

"Oh, really? That's good to hear!"

"Yep... I'll just steal yours next time."

"Wh-... Hey!"

Error chucked at Cross' pouting face, his boyfriend was so adorable.

"I'm kidding, it's fine..." He kissed his forehead and got back to his previous activity of knitting, leaving Cross a very happy skeleton.

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