#27 Ink x Error x Cross

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Requesed by Pepsi2468, of course.

Here we go again


"Gah!" Of all the things Error would expect to happen when he woke up, having two skeletons snuggling into him was not one of them. He had no idea how he got into this situation, in the antivoid, resting in a blue string hammock high above the ground, where no normal monster would be able to reach. And yet, here was two! Sleeping with him! The only logical explanation was that he willingly brought them up here himself. But why would he do that? Did he get drunk last night? Probably not.

The yell had woken up the other two, not just that but Error had almost tipped the hammock too. Cross' eyes snapped open instantly, a reflex for if there was any danger while he slept, and would've got onto his feet if it weren't for Ink's arms holding him down.

Speaking of Ink, he took a lot longer to get up, almost falling back asleep again before even opening his eyes. But he did end up opening his eyes, and when he did, he also yelled in shock. He sat up quickly, which caused him to fall backwards out of the hammock before either of the other two could react.

Now that he was free, Cross could sit up, so he did it much slower than Ink did as to not cause another fall, then looked over the edge of the hammock. Thankfully, Ink had landed in a sort if cobweb of strings below them, which he guessed was a safety measure put in place by Error.

The glitchy one slowly lowered him and Cross down to the cobweb, where Ink was starting to get entangled, like a fly caught in a real web. The hammock holding the other two stayed a good metre away, as to not also get trapped in the web, not that Error would anyway.

"Eh... a little help?" Ink asked, both his arms and legs tangled in strings, just getting worse as he tried to wiggle them free. Cross looked over at Error, expecting him to get Ink out, but all the othwr did was smirk.

"Hm... I think you can stay in there a little longer." He chuckled, looking at Ink's pissed of face. Cross was surprised at the sudden change of attitude from Error, but in all honestly he didn't want to help Ink out either.

"You look pretty cute tangled up like that." Ink's face flushed, and Cross smiled sweetly, all of them had picked up the undertones hidden inside that sentence. Error was surprised that someone like Cross would say something like that. But he put a serious face back on, and spoke.

"Alright, enough flirting, I wan't to know why I woke up with you two on top of me."

"Well, I'm just as confused as you are, I'm sure I fell asleep in the doodle sphere..." Ink said, trying to think back to the night before.

"I think someone else brought us here... cause I definitely was in my room when I fell asleep. Plus, every sans has access to the doodle sphere so they would have no trouble taking Ink." The three knew there was a very good chance that was the case but something was still unexplained...

"But how did they get you? And how did they get into the anti-void, access here is limited to certain people." Error asked Cross, pointing out the holes in his observation.

"It would've had to have been someone who also lives in Nightmares castle, and had access to this place."

"But the only people who fit that criteria are you and..."


"Nightmare." Error growled. "...I'm going to go have a talk with him." The other two were confused, there was no way Nightmare of all people would set something like this up right?

"Are you gonna let me out before you go?" Ink asked, watching Error prepare to open a portal.

"Eh, Cross can deal with you." He turned to Cross and whispered to him, "Do whatever you want with him, I'll be back in a few hours." Then Error hopped through the portal and was gone.

Ink sighed, while Cross was flustered from what Error said.

"Well, the was a strange day." Ink spoke, staring up at the strings and dolls hanging every where.

"Yeah...? It's about to get stranger."

"Wait what?"

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