#8 Blue x Ink

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When the characters of UnderSwap reached the surface, it had been such an amazing experience for Blue. You see, that was the very first time he had met Ink and Dream, his future teammates, and one of them, love.

It all started once monsters were finally being accepted on the surface, Blue and his brother had moved into separate houses, as they both needed their space and it would be easier for Swap paps to ease up his over-protective hold if he weren't by his brother all the time. The day he moved into his new house, Blue had met Ink. Ink was a very colourful and skeleton and Blue admired his sash of rainbow vials. The aus were explained to Blue by Ink and he even took him to meet one of the other sanses, Dream, sometime in the future.

Once Ink had to leave Blue to go protect an Au, he was asked if he would come back to visit Blue, to which he responded with;

"Of course, but no promises that it will be very soon." Blue's mind was racing once Ink was gone, with thoughts about how cute the small artist was. There was some other... darker thought that Blue probably shouldn't share.

About a week later, Blue met Dream and the two of them were quickly very good friends, Dream could sense the feeling that Blue had for Ink and was already falling into the pit of shippers. Not long after that, Blue became an official Star sans, which to him meant more time with Ink.

Over time, the three of them were the best of friends, unable to hide any secrets and always being together, but Blue kept having those thoughts... he wanted more. He wanted to be able to hold Ink and shower him in love and affection without having to hide his feelings. Although Dream already knew exactly how he felt and had been planning to set up his teammates making sure nothing could go wrong.

At this moment in time, Ink is at Blues house, and they are going to have a sleep over. Ink lies on a pillow, already dressed in his pj's and waiting for Blue to come out of the bath room, where he was changing into his. The sleepover had been Dreams idea. The positivity guardian explained his plan to set up Ink and Blue to Blue who had agreed. But it was pretty nerve racking, since Blue was having many doubts about Ink not liking him, even with Dreams reassurance that that wasn't the case at all.

Blue finally left the bathroom, dressed in his blue and grey night-wear. He blushed slightly when looking at Ink, who was smiling up at him from the pillow he was laying on. Blue sat down next to Ink, suggesting the build of a pillow fort. 

"That's a great idea!" Ink gasped before he spoke and sat up, eyes shining with excitement. Blue's blush grew heavier and he rushed to start building the fort so that Ink wouldn't see it. The two built what Ink claimed to be the 'best fort he had ever seen'. It was a pretty 'magnificent' fort in Blue's words.

Inside the fort, the two lay side by side as Blue started building up his courage and turned towards Ink.

"Hey Ink?" He finally said after a few minutes of silence. Ink, who had been scrolling through apps on his phone, rolled over to look at Blue.


"I-I have something to t-tell you..." Blue stuttered as he spoke, but he took a deep breath and before Ink could say anything more, he continued;

"I love you, Ink." Ink stared at him in shock, and was silent for a moment. Blue was preparing for the rejection to hit when he saw Ink smile.

"I love you too!" The artist sounded genuinely happy as he reached out and hugged Blue. Blue wrapped his arms around Ink waist and kissed him softly.

I think you can take a guess on what happened during the rest of that sleepover.

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