#18 Error x Cross x Ink

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Requested by Pepsi2468.

I'm not really good at writing dom Ink so I'm sorry if theres parts it seems like he isnt.


Cross' P.O.V

How... did we end up in this situation? There's white everywhere, which would probably be normal for me, if it weren't for the two gods clashing against it. I literally just wanted food, and now I'm trapped here with them.

Error and Ink, the most respected, and second most feared, people in the multiverse. For context; we're trapped in the anti-void, and neither of them can use their magic for some reason. I still can, but I can't create a portal out of here so it's pretty useless.

So now, we're just waiting for someone to come save us, and I'm already bored out of my mind. It looks like they are too. We just kind of just sitting here, nobody making eye contact. I let out a loud sigh, attempting to get one of them to do something.

All the response I got was a groan and Ink flopping down to lay on the ground, screwing his eye sockets shut. Well then, hes clearly not enjoying this either. Error was simply staring at the floor, wihout his strings, here really wasn't much else for him to do. There's nothing here to do at all!

"You know, instead of just staying silent, we could try talking... so none of us go insane." Ink said from his place on the floor, still having his eyes shut. Hes probably right, but what would we even talk about? We've got like, nothing in common.

"Why-why on earth would I waant to tąlk to you?" Error responded, in his naturally angry voice, and glitching slightly as he did so. The creator shoved himself up so he was sitting once more, staring straight ahead at Error, with a blank expression.

"Well, you don't have to, I'll just talk to Cross instead. He probably has far more interesting stories to tell than you!" He shot back, turning to me instead. I chuckled slightly at Error's face. Now he really looked pissed off.

"Well fuc-fuck you too squid." I hope these two stop arguing. It looks like Error was about to attack Ink, so I dragged the creator closer to me, since he really isn't that heavy.

"You two need to calm down, if I'm gonna be stuck in here with you, I at least want peace. Got it?" I stated, glaring at both of them.

"Sorry" I could hear Ink mumble, though it sounded.like he didn't really want me to. Error huffed and stood up, stretching his arm bones above his head.

"I'm going to go wander around and see if there may be a portal I left open around here or something. Feel free to cone with if you want." He spoke without a single glitch. I stood aswell, dragging Ink up with me. When he regained his balance, I noticed he was staring at my head. It looks like Error was two, what are they...?

"How are you that short?" Ink yelled out suddenly. Oh god that... yeah. I can see what he means. Error's the tallest out of all of us, I'm clearly the shortest, and Ink looks to be about half the height between me and Error. I guess they had never noticed my height before, considering I've never spent time with either of them, outside of fights, that is.

I groaned and tucked my head into my hands. Getting slightly flustered for reasons I'm not sure of.

"Can we please not talk about heights? I would much rather we just go try find a way out of here." I said, my words slightly muffled by my hands.

"So were sup-supposed ignore the fact that you're that short?" Error smirked as he spoke, and when I moved my hands, I could see Ink giggling behind him.

"Shut the fuck up! And what the hell are you laughing for?" I yelled at Error, and then Ink for the second sentence. I simply got an eye roll from the glitchy one, but the laughter only got louder. I growl and storm up to Ink, dragging him down by his scarf to eye level.

"Aw, cute~" He said with a smile. God damn him, I tried to think of a good comeback, and whispered it intoInk's ear, so Error didn't hear.

"The only thing thats cute here is the shortness of your dick"

"I-" He couldn't respond. I let go of his scarf and walked over to Error.

"Shut up, let's just try get out of here." We begin walking again, hoping that we'll find something.

I'm actually starting to like these two.

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