#34 Cross x Horror

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Requested by Pepsi248

Nice to see you all again :)


"...I have no idea what I'm doing." Cross stood next to Horror in the kitchen of the castle they lived in. His friend had 'convinced' him to partake in a cooking session with him, only issue was that Horror was an alright cook, and Cross had no clue in these kinds of situations. Still, he was going to try, any excuse to be close to his favourite person was a good excuse and maybe it would be a good learning experience for the both of them.

"Dont worry about it, we just have to follow these instructions and everything will be fine." Horror smiled and pointed at the cook book he had open infront of them, as Cross looked over it he quickly realised a large problem with that plan; the book had been written by hand, with a pen, in cursive. Nobody knows how to read cursive these days!

This was going to be a long evening.

For the next couple of hours, the two cooked together, although it was mostly Horror doing the cooking and Cross both watching and making sure they didnt burn the place down. Surprisingly, it went pretty well. They did fill the kitchen with smoke but since they didn't have lungs that wasnt much of an issue.

When they were done, they actually seemed to have an edible meal infront of them. Horror plated the food and they sat across from eachother at the dining table. Both internally glad that none of the others were around to bother them, they talked while eating. Cross was really feeling like their bond was growing stronger, and he was right.

The food tasted great, knowing they made it together just made it better for the both of them, and it wasnt long after their meal that the two skeletons were sitting on the couch watching some late night monster show, being a lot closer than they would normally sit with another. That closeness turned to a small side hug, and then straight up cuddling. They show lost long in the background as the two just focused on eachother, enjoying the affection.

"We should do this again sometime,"


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