#4 Geno x Ink

516 15 2

Requested by RainyDaze13.

I love this ship. ~It is absolutely beautiful~



Geno was sitting in the save screen. He wasn't doing anything. There really isn't much to do there anyway, besides being lonely.

He jumped when he heard a strange sound. Scrambling to his feet, he turned and saw a portal of some sort. The portal was really colourful, it looked out of place in the save screen.

Out of the portal, stepped a skeleton. He looked like some sort of crazy art-obsessed guy. His colour scheme seemed to consist of brown, green, yellow and white. With a rainbow of rainbow of paint tubes over his chest, and a huge paintbrush on his back. Geno felt kinda plain standing infront of this skeleton, but kept an expressionless face on.

"Who are you?" He asked cautiously. The other smiled brightly at him, before extending his hand and replying;

"My names Ink! Nice t' meet you!" Geno shook Ink's to be polite, but still felt wary of the stranger. What was he so happy for?

The half-dead skeleton took a step back, searching for any signs of danger the other may be giving off. After he found none, he hesitantly introduced himself.

The two stood awkwardly for a moment before Ink decided to break the silence, with some questions.

"Is it just you here? Seem's kinda lonely? What happened to everyone else in this au? W-" He spoke so fast that Geno could barely understand what he was saying, so he cut him off.

"Woah, ok calm down, buddy. We're not playing twenty questions here!" Ink blinked at him, pausing for a second.

"Sorry..." he muttered, looking down. The two fell into silence again. Geno felt a little guilty for yelling at the smaller skeleton, but he refused to let it show.

. . . . . .

Geno smiled as he remembered the first time he had met Ink. Since that first meeting, Ink had visited him every day. Geno hadn't liked these visits at first, he had found Ink very loud and annoying. But now he believes he couldn't live without him, looking forward to his next visit every time he leaves, but never showing how much he cared.

As if Geno had summoned it from just his thoughts alone, Ink's colourful portal appeared before him. He didn't expect to see rainbow tears falling from the others cheeks once he had stepped through it though. It was clear to see that Ink had just been in a fight, due to the fresh wound that littered his body.

Geno's first reaction was to help the other. He found the first aid kit he had asked Ink for a while back in case something like this ever happened, and got to cleaning him up.

Once Ink had stopped crying, and had the larger portion of his wounds bandaged, Geno asked him what had happened. And more importantly, why the other 'Star Sanses' Ink had spoke so highly of before didn't help him.

Ink explained that his friends had been on a mission elsewhere, and that  the bad sanses and Ink had gotten into a fight. With no one there to help Ink, he was easily deafeated. He had ran away to the safest place he could think of, and that's how he ended up in the save screen.

Geno blushed slightly when hearing that Ink felt safe with him. It gave him a warm feeling in his broken soul, a feeling that he loved.

Ink decided to stay with Geno for the rest of that day, not really wanting to end up in another fight.

. . . . . .

A few weeks later, Ink returned as usual, but Geno quickly noticed something was off. His eyelights weren't his normal 'changing colours and shapes every time he blinked' and instead were just grey.

Geno sat up from the spot he was laying on on the ground, studying the other carefully.

"Ink...?" The other didn't reply, instead just sat down next to Geno, staring at him.

His paint viles! That was what was wrong. Geno had looked down and saw them all empty. Why hadn't Ink gotten a refill? He questioned him on the subject, only gaining a shrug in response.

Geno felt determined to make Ink feel something again. He only had one thing he felt he could do. Since he couldn't leave the save screen to help Ink get his artificial emotion viles filled, he instead pulled the other close to him, and connected the in a kiss.

The kiss was short, and really just him clanking their teeth together, but somehow, Geno's insane idea had worked. Even though his viles remained empty, the colour came back to Ink's eyelights. And for the first time since he had ripped his soul apart, he felt real emotions.

The main one being love.

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