#5 NM x Dance x Ink x Sci

477 6 16

Not a request. (I have none currently)
NM is Nightmare btw I was just trying to shorten the title.

This ship is brought to you by Dance being so underrated, and poly ships-

This is set in my au, (A) Human!World. The characters all go to a college with dorms, and each dorm has 6 people so- Characters!

How the main 4 look:


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Scott was in one of the schools science labs, conducting an experiment. Leaning on the table he was working on, Izaac watched as he carefully mixed chemicals together.

Izaac was bored. He never understood why Scott liked science so much. The only reason he was here right now is because he can't say 'no' to the nerd.

Guess things got kinda interesting when Ryan appeared. He was hovering in the air behind Scott, who hadn't noticed him yet.

The floating boy had decided it was a good idea to scare Scott. Izaac had tried to silently warn him that he could mess up the experiment, and that Scott would get super mad, but failed.

Needless to say, he did mess up the experiment. Scott shrieked after Ryans scare, and dropped the test tubes he was holding. The chemicals spilled over both Scott and Izaac.

Ryan panicked and immediately teleported away, not wanting to take the blame. Luckily, the chemicals weren't harmful, but mixed together they did to some damage.

Scott nearly had a heart attack after feeling something twitch on top of his head, and spotting the cat ears that had appeared on Izaac's. They had both also noticably shrunk a bit. Although Izaac usually wore too big clothing for his size, they were now so much bigger than him that they started slipping off his body. And Scott could no longer reach the experiment table.

As Izaac struggled to keep himself covered, Scott was having a panic attack larger than Ryan's ego. His clothes were also slipping off slightly but not enough that they would fall off.

The effects that had occured from the chemicals was no where near what Scott had been intending to do, and he had no idea how to reverse it.

Dante and Noah were supposed to come up to the lab once their gym class was over, so the two now cat-people decided just to wait for them, and get them to help.

The smarter of the two looked up at the others ears, wanting so badly to pet him, but shaking away the thoughts trying to focus on how serious the situation was. He was honestly trying to focus on anything but the fact that Izaac was basically half-naked.

It was about half an hour before Dante and Noah showed up, both a bit confused at the lack of Izaac and Scott in the room, untill they spotted them sitting on the floor, with some new features...

They stared at their two friends, the staring contest broken after a minute of silence when Dante suddenly 'awed'.

"Their so cute!" He picked up Izaac with ease, and helped him fix his clothes into a position where they covered him.

Noah had a completely different reaction, looking down at Scott and asking;

"What the hell happened to you two?" He squinted at the smaller. Scott sighed and stood up.

"Ryan." He kept his response short and simple. Only one word needed for Noah and Dante to know ehat had happened.

"Do you know how to change yourselves back?" Scott shook his head.

"I suppose we just have to wait until it wears off... if it even does that is."

"And if it doesn't?" Noah questioned, Scott simply shrugged at looked at Dante, who was still holding Izaac.

"Do you think we could find some smaller clothes? For Izaac and I?"

Dante nodded, and Noah picked Scott up. The small scientist protested but gave up after remembering that Noah was too difficult to argue with.

Once they had found some smaer clothes for Scott and Izaac, the four of them sat on Noah's bed, in his dorm. Dante reached out his hand and began softly petting Scott.

Scott face exploded into blush as he unconsiously purred and leaned into Dante's touch. Noah chuckled seeing Scott's reaction to being pet, and copied Dantes actions with Izaac, searching to see if he would receive a similar reaction. He felt himself fill with a feeling he would usually hate, joy, when he got that reaction. But this time the joy didn't seem so bad.

The four ended up falling asleep together, successfully missing all of the rest of their classes that day. Once they awoke the next morning, Izaac's and Scott's cat features had gone. Scott set off to find Ryan, prepared to murder him for what he had put them through.

You can bet that Izaac, Noah and Dante got a good laugh wathing a floating god get beat up by an angry nerd... their angry nerd.

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