#23 Shattered x Ink

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Requested by IMAYOURFAN.

Merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate, Happy holidays!


Shattered swiftly walked through the halls. His footsteps were the only sounds that could be heard, as they echoed throughtout the silent castle.

He wasn't one for celebrating holidays such as Christmas and Easter ect, and mainly saw them as a waste of time. So, while most the other sanses across the different multiverses were partying and having a fun time, he was still at home. Alone.

Well that was until a certain skeleton he really was not hoping to see showed up.

"Ink." He growled quietly, stopping in his tracks to stare at the artist.

"Heyyy buddy. Good to see you!" Shattered rolled his eyes and stepped closer to Ink, tentacles waving dangerously. The artist eyed them, but he didn't look afraid. It looked like... one of his vials was missing. That could possibly be the fear one.

Ink also moved forward, taking more steps than Shattered had. One of the tentacles shot towards Ink, prepared to impale him but he didn't try to dodge. Instead, he reached out a hand and grabbed it, making shattered jump, and the other tentacles pointed directly at Ink. The one he was holding tried to pull away, but Ink had a grip of steel, and insisted on playing with it.

"Wow, it's so much softer than I expected!" He exclaimed loudly, Shattered flinched and sighed. He didn't want to deal with this. The tentacle wrapped around the smaller's chest, squeezing him slightly, then Shattered continued on walking, carrying Ink behind him.

"Where are we going?" Ink asked, stroking the tentacle gently.

"Be quiet or you'll die before you find out." Ink shut up after that, silently playing with another tentacle that came close to him as he waited for them to arrive at the location.

Which happened to be Shattered's bedroom. It was large, and pretty nice. Ink was impressed. The goopy skeleton dropped him on the bed, then sat down in a nearby chair.

"You stay there. If you bother me I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Ok!" Ink smiled brightly, glad to be able to spend some time with Shattered instead of being at some loud, crowded party.

Shattered nodded, turning away to do some work and resting a few tentacles that could reach on Ink's lap, letting him play with them. Until Ink fell asleep, late in the night, then Shattered layed down, resting him against his chest.

The tentacles curled protectively over the bodies of the two sleeping skeletons. The would make sure nothing bad happened over night, and that Ink wouldn't leave when he woke up.

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