#6 Dust x Blue x Error

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Lamia!Dust x Blue x Lamia!Error. I assumed that, since you didn't put lamia for Blue, he is a normal skeleton. Requested by coke124.

(And yes Blue is tall you can't convince me otherwise-)


Blue sighed as he finally finished his training. It had been a very long day and he couldn't wait to get home.

He packed up his things into a blue bag which he always carried, and began his journey home. It was not a very long journey, as he lived quite close to the training grounds, but two things made him walk faster, excited to reach his destination.

Those two things were his boyfriends. Blue wished he could bring them to training with him, however there was a chance they could get hurt. And he definately didn't want that.

At least he gets to be with them when he comes home every evening, and even if they miss him, they still have eachothers company.

Seeing his house they the distance, Blue slowed his walk slightly, not wanting to use up the rest of his energy.

He reached the front door, and pulled a key from his pocket. Going through the now unlocked door, he kicked his shoes off and went up to his room.

On his bed, two lamia's lay cuddling. Error was asleep. When Blue opened the door, Dust perked up and greeted his tall boyfriend.

Blue hugged Dust and quickly changed into some more comfortable clothes. By this time, Error had awoken, and was now stretching. He felt the bed fall beside him and turned to see Blue sitting between the two.

Blue hugged them both, one arm for each lamia, and fell backwards onto the bed. The other two snuggled into him on instict, wrapping their tails around his legs and he gently pet their heads.

Dust was the first one to drift off to Dreamland, Error not long after as he had recently woken up. Blue smiled as he watched the two smallers fall asleep. And then, feeling his eyes grow heavy, joined them in their slumber.

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