#15 Sci x Dance

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This ship was requested by Lyric-Split. Interesting ship, I like it.


All stories take place in some multiverse. It's always a different multiverse for each story teller, even if there is just the smallest of differences, they can never be the same

In this multiverse, all of the skeletons were separated into groups; Good guys, Bad guys and Neutrals. Most people assumed that since the good guys were good, and the bad guys are bad, then the neutrals would have to be neither, since if they were one, they wouldn't be neutral. But this isn't the case. The thing with neutrals is that they have no thing, they do their own thing. 

One minute they could be you best friend, the next they could be killing your whole family. Which is why neither of the other groups trusted them very much. So they had to stick together. 

Dance had had a huge crush on a nerdy skeleton named Sci for longer than they had even known each other. Yeah, maybe people get stalker vibes when he tells them that, but theres really nothing wrong with admiring someone from afar. At least, thats what he was always taught. One of the other neutrals, Geno, had convinced him that if he ever wanted a chance with Sci, he would have to talk to him. So he took that advice, and it's worked out really well. Ever since they became friends, Dance had chased away anybody who tried to get close to Sci, to ensure he wouldn't end up falling for someone else and forgetting about him. Some monsters were too persistent for Dance to stop, but luckily for him, he had some bad friends to help him make those monsters disappear.

Sci, on the other hand, never really cared about all those monsters. He was a scientist who liked to focus on his work. The less friends, the less distractions. At first, the only reason he kept Dance around was because he always managed to keep other monsters away, and he would usually just sit silently while Sci worked. But over time, he had become quite fond of Dance, and couldn't bear the thought of him leaving. Sci had began to notice the disappearances of basically every monster who tried to speak to him, so he constantly worried about Dance disappearing too.

One night, Dance called up Sci, asking if he wanted to go to some sort of party with him. The nerd really wasn't the type for partying, but with the growing fear of losing his only friend, he couldn't just leave him alone out there. So, he decided to go with him. Off the nerd went to get ready, since it was that night, and he had very little time to prepare. 

It wasn't like he was going to dress up all fancy, all he needed to do was tidy himself up so he didn't look like he'd come straight from work.

About half an hour later, Dance turned up at his door to take him. He informed the short scientist that the party was being held by the ruler of the multiverse, and that all the groups would be there, which meant it wasn't going to be a fancy event at all because all the other skeletons were far too lazy to bother dressing up for an event like this.

Sci and Dance walked into the place the party was being held to be greeted with what looked like a few hundred different monsters. Most of them were sticking with their individual groups, not wanting to socialise with monsters they didn't know. Which was understandable, since Sci was planning to stay right by Dances side as much as he could.

The party was in full swing, by the looks of it around 5 skeletons had drunk themselves to passing out point already. Dance gently grabbed Sci's hand, asking if he would like to dance with him. Sci blushed, but obviously agreed.

They stood together in the centre of the crowd, dancing. Sci wasn't a very good dancer, so he was glad nobody else was paying attention to them. He loved the way Dance moved, he was so graceful on his feet, Sci was almost as much jealous as he was impressed. Eventually, Dance tired himself out and dragged Sci outside. He pulled the shorter male close to his chest, looking into his eyes. He took a deep breath, and said those wonderful three words;

"I love you."

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