Visits and Dinners

57 5 6

March 8th, 2015

Ryan: Morning moonlight(:

Me: Good morning sunshine (:

Ryan: Lazer craze?(:

Me: idl i literally just woke up not even two minutes ago.

Ryan: Oh okay lol im gunna go get coffee. You take your time waking up haha dont want cha witchy. :P

Me: -sent picture of me in his clothes- with the caption, i woke up like this.

°a fill in, yesterday he came and got me and paige and we hung at his house because i was sick that previous day and he wanted to make sure i was okay she he came and got me to hang and he gave me his white t shirt a pair of his boxers that were clean to wear as shorts and his black and red flannel °

Ryan: your hawt when you wake up (:

Me: Haha naaaa its just your clothes that make me look it

Ryan: Nawww your hot babe. Lady up to your looks lol.

Me: Lol naaaaa. I'm a woman now sir.

Ryan: I was meaning as like how people say "Man up!" lol. Yeah so I said lady up without thinking about the word woman.

Me: Well. I women ip. Lol but I did. Makes me sound like a power ranger or something

Ryan: pahaha so what are ya up to loves? (:

Me: just brushed my teeth. My uncle doesn't need me today, so im dolled up for nothing.

Ryan : I mean you can come over(:

Me:yea but i want to go to the park!

Ryan: well i can have my dad come pick you up?

Me: Yea but I wanted to go to the parrrkkkk

Ryan: Well would you wanna get pick up and go see my mom?

Me: with you?

Ryan: yea (:

Me: Is that cool with your parents though

Ryan: yeah my dad said it will be fine(:

Me: I don't want to intrude or anything. I mean if its cool with your mom as well

Ryan: She will not care lol. Trust me.

Ryan: Besides I want ya to go lol unless you dont wanna.

Me: No! I do.

Ryan: so whatcha say?

Me: come get meh lol

Ryan: on way (:


I wore my multicolor oveesized sweater boots and blacked ripped jeans.

My dad called from downstairs, "Your boys here!"

I ran down there after putting permanent markers in my purse along with his shirt. Im keeping his flannel.

I went outside and the door was opened for me, "Hi." I greeted 4 /7 of the Fullbeck bunch.

"Hey." Aaron and his dad said.

I sat in the back seat with Ryan.

"I love this sweater on you."

He said pulling me into a hug.

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