Forever Strong

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December 29th, 2014.

"Can I come?" I asked Sydney.

I was sitting on my bed in Ryan's black outside jacket. I kinda borrowed it the other day cause it was cold, leaving out with it. I have a tendency to sleep with his jackets.

"Yea, hurry up were about to leave." She said exiting my room.

I got up throwing on my black pair of ripped skinny jeans, threw most of my make up in my bag, with my charger, putting on my black boots.

We drove the Cadillac. It was my Dad, Sydney, Alexand'ria and I. My dad was going to my older sister Kayla's house to get her so we can get a few items of food for her 'Adult Bengals Game' at her place.

So I did my makeup in the moving car.


Cause I'm awesome >.> jk.

Ryan: Goodmorning moonlight (:

Me: Well Goodmorning sunshine (:

Ryan: What's up?(:

Me: Out and about with my Dad(:

Ryan: Come to meh! :p

Me: Lol I'll see what I can do(:

Ryan: Be awesome if you did.

"Daaaaaaaaad!" I whined.

"Yea?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

We were in Delhi.

"Delhi is close to Ryan's yea?"



"Can you drop me off at Ryan's pleaaase?"

He kept quite, and turned up his music.

"But daaaad!"


Okay fine. I put my earbuds in, playing Trouble by Never Shout Never.

After we got Kayla tooken care of, we drove past this place called Ryan's auto glass.

"Oh look! It says Ryan. God is telling this is a sign." I pointed.

Still nothing.

Crank up the annoying.

"To Ryan's house we go!" I shouted pointing at the road ahead, which was literally Bassett Hill, not far from Ryan's.

I broke him.

Me:Im on my way(:

Ryan: Okay babes(:

Me: But I have to be home at 8:30 :/

Ryan: Aw okays baby. See you soon. Text when here?

Me: Okay. Babe can I do your makeup?

Ryan: Yea aslong as I can take it off afterwards lol

Me: Ofc.


We pulled into the driveway I've seemed to get to know quite well.

And as I got out the car, there I seen Ryan weaving through the woods from Brandon's.

In his faithful red snuggie.

This boy loves that snuggie like I love my onesies.

"Ryan!" My sister Sydney yells.

"Hey!" He yells back.

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