New Years.

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  • Dedicated to Paige, my dear best friend who made all this poosible (:

January 1st, 2014.

I rolled out, stretching my body out as far as it would go with out completely waking and interfering with Paige's sleep. Knowing her, she was probably dreaming of her 'Oh so beautiful Jeff the Killer'.

I grabbed my cellphone, and did my normal routine, checking my messages, twitter notifications, Instagram ones, you name it.

My day progressed on normally, well at least I thought it did. But one thing took a turn. A good turn not a turn like a dead end or anything.

It was around seven that evening, and me Brianna, Sydney, and Paige were all chatting.

"Dude it's not healthy!" Paige shouted at me from across the room, she was on Brianna's bed. They were both watching anime.

I was brushing out my hair, I had literally just straightened it, "Um yes it is!"

"I agree. It's a tad bit creepy." Brianna added her opinion.

I gasped, feeling kinda ganged up on, "Sydney! Are you just not gonna help me out here?"

She looked up from here phone, so confused, "Huh? What?"

"Their trying to say my 'obsession' with One Direction is creepy." I tired to explain.

"Well... I mean... It's not weird. It just gets weird when you start calling them 'sex gods'."

"Well that's what they are." I say throwing in some sass.

"Mhhhmmm yea that's creepy as fuck." Brianna said snaring.

"Fuck yal hoes. It isn't creepy. It's natural and its what dedicated fans do. They fanigirl." Is ay closing my case.

I reach out for my phone that's on the charger, I have two Facebook notifications. A message and a notification symbol of the 'F' in Facebook sign, so I unlocked it.

It was a notification telling me, Ryan accepted my friend request and message, from you guessed it. Ryan.

7:17 pm.

Ryan: Hey, how old are you?

"Oh my god...." I let out.

"What?" All three of the girls in the room asked, looking at me.

"What did One Direction tweet this time?" Paige asked.

"It's not One Direction..."

"Then what did 5 Seconds Of Summer tweet?" Sydney asked.

"No, no, no. It wasn't none of the boys. Ryan, that dude. Yea, he texted me!"

"No way!" Paige shouted, rushing over to my bed to my side.

"Yes huh!" I showed her the message.

"Text him back!" She shook me.

"I will."

Me: Hey, 16 going on 17.

Ryan: Oh hell yea.

Ryan: So whats your reason to add me lol?

Me: Lol I just seen you in the friends to add thingy

Ryan: Oh yea? Haha.

Me: Lol yea

Ryan: And that's the only reason?

Me: Lol yea? Plus you may seem cool?

Ryan: Depends on your personality if I'm cool or not hahah.

Ryan: Gotta kik instant messager?

Me: Lol plus I thought you were cute too soooo.... ya

Ryan: Cute isn't what I aim for but thanks :D

Me: Lol your welcome? (:

Ryan: Your damn gorgeous but I'm sure you get that a lot.

Me: Ha aww thanks, but I don't wanna seem cocky but yea lol

Ryan: Cocky is just another word for confident (;

Me: Ha then consider me confident then(:

Ryan: I would be too if I had your eyes. There so amazingly shiny haha.

Me: Ha aww thanks(:

Ryan: So.. Do you have a instant kik messager?

Me: yupperoonie

Ryan: lol. Is that your username or you just saying yes?

Me: Lol that's me saying yes.

Ryan: baha that's cute.

Me: Ha thanks (:

Ryan: so you should let me message you on there.

Me: kk its cupcakecat13

Ryan: Lol so you like cupcakes and cats?

Me: Lol my nicknames Cat, and cupcakes just sounds adorable.

Ryan: Thats a nice nickname. Mines is dog btw

Ryan: Joking btw

Me:Oooh that explains it lol I thought you were toats fr lol your funny(:

Ryan: Couldn't find a wonderful girl like even if I tried (:

Me: Lol you sir have mad (:

That's all I remember or have saved, that hasn't deleted itself, but that night was a cool one. I mean we stayed up till three just chatting like random people and what not.

But what's even more weirder is that when we lived next to Ryan and his family, I don't remember much of him?

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