
174 8 0

January 17, 2014.

Well... I had my first date. With Ryan at that. We went skating and it was fun. We couple skated. He's so cute I swear. We held hands and skated, even though I almost crashed into him. He's just so mhmm... In a nice good way of course. At the end he introduced himself to my dad, and he was like hey I'm Ryan. And uhmm I like your daughter, but she's out of my league. Then my dad asked what he likes about me, and he said her voice and eyes, their so shiny. Then he shook his hand again and said you made a beautiful daughter. So after it closed we went outside and we hugged for a bit and he put his forehead against mine and we almost kissed..... AGAIN! But he said next time because he doesn't mine and our first kiss to be in a parking lot. Then he did that thing with my back where he hugs me and planted a kiss on my neck. It was so sweet. He's just so cute and sweet and adorable. Lol he said he wanted to kiss me soooo bad, and he's going to ask my dad for consent to date me. But I don't care if people like him or not. Because I like him.... Alot actually.

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