I Miss You Too.

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June 9th,2014.

Ryan: I miss the feeling of being next to you(:

Me: I do too. I miss you like a lots

Ryan: That's good but then again its not lol

Me: Lol ya ik, its more like a decent amount

Ryan: Im proud to say I miss my girlfriend alot haha. I tell brandon all the time paha.

June 10th, 2014.

Ryan: Hey babe whatcha doing?(:

Me: Watching tv, waiting for my dad to get home lol

Ryan: Why ya waiting for him?

Me: Im not feeling to fancy so he left to get me some orange juice.

Ryan: Orange juice makes you feel better? :3

Me: Lol yea. And ice cream (:

Ryan: Ill remember that(:

Me: Well if that's the case hugs help to(:

Ryan: Haha what about kisses? ;p

Me: Lol well yea those too, but i don't wanna get you sick :p

Ryan: Haha id still kiss sick lips if there your sick lips(;

Me: Lol your cute (: risking your health for a cold :p

Ryan: Haha well its a risk worth taking(:

Me: Well hopefully I'll feel better by this weekend maybe?

Ryan: Even if your not ill still come see you unless you don't want me too lol but Im sure you'll get better soon(:

Me: Lol im pretty sure ill be better too. Even if i wasn't id still allow it(:

Ryan: Haha then its a confirmed date for you and me just lets hope your parents are okay with it(:

Me: Yea(: but there gonna have to like accept it sooner or later ig.

Ryan: Oh is that right? :3

Me: Well yea(:

A/N: So I just wanted to let you guise know that Ryan is quitting smoking! (Cigarettes that is. Not marijuana, he doesn't do that lol) Well as of the 9th, he only had 1! That's good news, so yea(: He said he was gonna tell me it on our anniversary, which is this Sunday (the 15th btw), but he was to excited! That's like major, so I'm a proud girlfriend right now(:

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