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August 31st, 2014.

Me: We're at the frozen lemonade stand.

Ryan: Ok babe almost there.

I put my phone into my back pocket of my black tattered skinny jeans, and turned to Kate and Kayla.

"He's on his way down." I gleamed.

"There's a lot of hot guys here." Kayla said, as Kate nodded.

I looked around at my eyes landed in a guy at the frozen lemonade stand.

Well hello.

For Kayla or Kate of course.

"See you could go to him and say, 'You may sell frozen lemonade but your smile just melted my heart. How ya doing?'  "

Kate laughed.

We waited like about five minutes for Ryan to make his way to us in this insanely crowded place, and in that time we sorted out our next guy for the two K's.

"There he is!" Sydney said loud enough for us to here.

And I swear like every time I see him I do this weird run or speed walk meeting him like half way where he is.

"Eepp." I do a low squeal before I head over to him completely, and gave him a hug.



His two older brothers were there with him, and all three of the girls attention were shared between all three brothers.

I took his hand and we turned to Sydney, Kayla, and Kate.

I cleared my throat, "You guys this is Ryan."

"Hey." They smile and wave.

We walked over to my Dad and the rest of my family who was closer the river.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips when they weren't looking.

It's weird kissing your boyfriend in front of your family. Like really weird.

"So, we're going to try to find the K's some boys." I leaned into Ryan's side.

I took his hand and Kate's, along with Kayla's and began scanning the crowd for potential boys.

"His brothers are hot!" Kayla exclaimed.

Well they are related to Ryan of course.

"Oh yes." Kate agreed.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"They think Brandon and Aaron are hot."

"Haha oh really?" Ryan smiled.

We walked over you a less crowded area, and stood smiling at another, but me occasionally scanning for guys.

Ryan spun me around just as the fireworks went off, my back against his chest.

His heart was beating fast.

And at that moment literally the orange firework faded into a pizazz of purple ones.

I turned around rather quickly in 'awe' to face him, to see if he seen what I seen.

"Did you see that?!"

He chuckled, and nodded.

And at that moment I happened to see a guy directly across from us by himself.

I went over to the girls, "Red beanie, black shorts." I said sternly.

"What?" They asked loudly to become audible over the fireworks and people at talk.

"RED BEANIE, BLACK SHORTS!" I repeated and gestured in his direction subtle.

"Ahhhh." Kayla ooed.

"Nice." Kate said.

"Cute? "

"Yes." They smiled.

"Wait here, I'll be right back."

I smiled and headed back to Ryan, "Hey favor?"


"Come with me to this guy over there, so I can get him on with one of them?"

He looked around nervously and laughed, "Haha why can't they do it?"

"Because I'm the outgoing one I guess c'mon please?"  I pouted and batted my eyelashes.

I can tell he was caving in, and Boom!

"Let's go."

I beamed in victory, and looped our hands together as we approached Red beanie, black shorts.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He responded back with a friendly smile.

"I'm Cat, and my friend over there visually enjoys your face." I pointed to Kayla and Kate.

"Ryan." He responded confused but enlightened by my comment and looked over at Kate.

"Do you mind if I bring her over?"

"No not one bit."

"Okay cool."

I left from the other Ryan with original Ryan's hand still in mine.

God that's confusing.

"Kate he looked over at you when I said friend, your up."

We her walked over to Ryan number 2, and strayed a few feet away from them, giving them space.

A few minutes passed by of me and Ryan sharing a few pecks.

Kate was giving me the this is going great eyes, or the help me eyes.

I wasn't too sure.

"I think she wants us over there?"

He pecked me again, "Yea?"

I pecked back. "Yea."

Eye contact darted towards me number 2.

We withdrew and walked over towards the two balls of awkward.

"Hey, uh Kate were gonna wander elsewhere and we don't want to loose you."  I quickly lied.

"Oh yea."

"So maybe you guys want to exchange numbers maybe?"

"I don't have a phone."

"Oh well facebook, Twitter, instagram maybe?" I coughed not so vague in a poor manner to cover up my suggestions that I made purposely obvious for him to hear.

"Yea, facebook's good."

He put his info into Kate's phone and we left.

"Oh my god that was so awkward!"


It was the end of the night, and we had to leave.

"Tonight went by fast." I pouted to myself.

"Your telling me."

His brothers came over to gather their Ryan to leave.

"I have to go."

"So do I."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too. Maybe we cab pull an all nighter tonight?"

"I'll try too."


"Promise." He smiled, sealing our oath with a kiss.

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