Never Shout One Direction.

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January 10th, 2015

I walked out from my gates. And there was Ryan already out of the truck.

"Hi." I smiled hopping in after him.

"Hey." He smiled in his beanie and black Nike hoodie.

"I missed you." He said taking my hand in his.

I smiled at how its basically an instinct.

"Did you bring a movie?"

"Uh. No I just hurried and got out. But I grabbed my sketch book."

"So I can see your drawings?" He smirked.

"Well, yea."


We got to his house, and we went upstairs.

I took off my boots and sat my purse down in the corner of the room.

I took my draw string bookbag and went onto his bed.

I took out the photos I got back from homecoming that Ryan paid for, handing him the big envelope.

"Woah look at my bowtie!" He hid his face with his hands laughing.

"You look so cute though!"

"And my hair. Oh geesh. Does it always look like that?" Ryan went on.

"Babe. You look very attractive."

He smiled putting the pictures back.

I was getting tired. So I decided to turn on some music, just resuming where ever I was listening to last, picked off to stay awake.

It played One Direction's 18.

There we were. Listening to One Direction cuddling, as I struggled to stay awake.

"I have loved you since we were 18. Long before we both thought the same things." I murmured along to  lyrics as Ryan snaked his arm around me tighter, searching for my hand holding it.

"I'm going to play this to you, on your eighteenth birthday." He sleeply slurred into my ear.

I smiled, because it was cute gesture.

Then I thought, I have loved you since you were 19.

Once that and along with Fools Gold went off, I decided to turn on Never Shout Never. She's got style to be exact. Because the cuddling and holding me tight caressing my face hand, back, and hair and listening to 1D got me all emotional on the verge of just sobbing.

Its late. When its late I get emotional.

I got myself together quickly, and sang along horribly and quietly making silly faces at him.

And there he was tapping his foot on the bed mouthing the words to the song that he had sent me a year ago.

"You must really like this song." He smiled, when he noticed my quiet singing/humming.

"I do."

After a while I had turned off my music and layed down.

I was so tired and Ryan was tired because he was sick with a headache and sore throat.

Poor baby.

It made him sound all hoarse and sleepy.

I immediately shot up because I know if I sleep he will sleep and I would over sleep and Ill miss my Dad's calls or texts and I'll get in trouble.

We laid there for a bit in silence, "I wish I could spend the night." I murmured.


"So that way I could sleep with out having to wake up to check my phone for texts."

"That'd be fun. We'd sleep all day."

"Haha toatally."

"Sleepover." I fake entusized.


"Lets make a deal." I said blowing my hair out my eyes, I had took off my glasses before when I laid down.

Ryan got up tiredly, "What is it?"

"Sing me a song and Id do the same for you." I beamed at my sudden idea.

"Hahah okay. I sound so terrible because my voice and I'm sick though."

"Its okay." I smiled up at him.

"Don't look at me." He laughed.

"I won't!" I joked.

He got underneath the cover.

"I don't know what to sing." He said after a few seconds of silence.

"Sing Never Shout Never."  I suggested.

"What song?"

"Trouble." I smiled.

"Why that one?"

"Well because.... when you sent me that song, that's when I knew that you weren't just the bad neighbors I used to live by. That your this sensitive guy with great taste in music."

"I love you." He sighed, "Yea,you done done me ye- wait no. Thats Jason Maraz."

I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollablely and hold onto him hugging him outside the cover.


It was so cute and indescribable.

"Your laughing at me." I could practically hear his pout.

"No. Babe. It's okay. No I mean, it was so cute. I love you and your voice."

He emerged from the covers, his face florid.

"Oh my god." I laughed, "Your face."

He hid his face with his hands, "Oh sshhh. Your turn."

"Oh yea. About that. I'm going to do it the next time we hang."

"What no! You can't do that."

"Ya huh. It was my idea."

He pouted at my victory. So I gave him a simple kiss.


It was around 10, and I texted my Dad and he came and brought me home.

I enjoy our talks, and ones company. There funny, and random, and weird.

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