Our First Date & Awkward Moments.

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January 17th, 2014.

We've been texting all earlier that day. It'd been almost two weeks since I'd seen him last, and truth is. I started to miss him. The way he'll smile at me and try to catch me if I tripped, and call my clumsy-ness adorable. I swear that's like his favorite word ever.

Ryan: Yea so what's up?

Me: Skating and what not with Paige.

Ryan: Oh yea?

Me: Yea(: you can come if you want.

Ryan: Of course(: I'm on my way shortly(:

Me: Kk

I locked my phone and turned to Paige and Sydney with the biggest smile on my face.

"Woah that's a creepy smile." Paige fake shuddered.

"Boo you whore," I stuck out my tounge, "No but seriously guess what?"

"What?" Sydney asked on a more serious note.

"What?" Sydney asked on a more serious note.

"Guess who's coming skating! Like right now!!" My excitement gets the best of me.

"Oh my god, who?" Paige tried to match my excitement but failed miserably.

I took them by their hands, leading them into the bathroom, at the end of the end of the rink.

I did not want my dad to hear that Ryan was coming. He unfortunately wasn't fond of the idea of Ryan and I.

"Okay, what is it?" Sydney asked, now with a weird look on her face.

"Ok. So Ryan's gonna be here like anytime soon." I yelped a little. I would of done a little jump, but I would of fell on my ass on these skates.

"No way!" This time, Paige's excitement did match mine for once.

"Yea! Annnnnnnd were gonna couple skate too. Even though were not a couple.... But still."

"Then what are we doing in here for? Lets get out of here and keep an eye out for RyRy."

"Ha ew no. Not that name, it sounds weird. I'll stick to calling him Ryan."

We went a couple laps around the rink, til I was grabbed and nearly fell on my face due to Sydney yanking me.

I turned around, to see Sydney with a kool- aid grin plastered on her face, "Well isn't that face attractive?"

"Hardy har har, bitch. Ryan's here."

She grabbed my hand and took me to where he was sitting, lacing up his skates.

My stomach kinda dropped, and then very soon got replaced with a huge sensation of butterflies.

"Hi." I said, finally my stomach and throat allowed me to say something.

He looked up, midway of finishing his lacing, and smiled that smile of his. He hurried and tied his skate, and go up, held his arms out.

I reluctantly skated into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me in, as I put mine around his midback.


"I missed you." He mumbled into my hair.

"I missed you too." I said back.

We pulled apart after an unnecessary cough was given by Sydney and Paige. The infamous cock blockers.

"Wanna go skating?" He asked lending a hand out for me to grab. I grabbed onto it, making our way into the skating rink.

As the night progressed on, compliments were given, laughs and conversations were shared between us two. Oh and his attempts of trying to kiss me. Again. I'm quite good at dodging those things.

It was around 11:30, closing time. The announcer told everyone to get off the floor, and to return the skates.

Me and Ryan went off separately to put on our shoes.

I rolled over to Paige and Sydney who was untying their skates. I sat next to them doing the same. I laced up my converses returning my skates.

And there I seen it....  I basically ran over to where my dad was.

But I was to late.

Ryan and my dad were shaking hands and talking!

"Hey dad."I nervously cleared my throat.

"Hey." He continued his conversation with Ryan, "So what do you like her?"

Oh god.

"Well... I think she's beautiful-"

"Beauty's only skin deep." He injected.

"Well, she also has an amazing personality. But I think she's out of league."

He always says that(:

"Well.... That's nice to know."

This is sooo awkward.

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