One Of Our Many Screen Shots.

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  • Dedicated to Ryan(:

As the weeks went on by, I began to find myself liking him more, and more. I mean, not only is he super adorable, with his soft cloud like golden blonde hair, and his beautiful blue eyes,that were framed by slight freckles that danced across his cheek  bones, and his abnormally pink full lips. It was his personality that I began to become more interested into. Like the way he just says random stuff with out even thinking twice about it. Complimenting me randomly because I was on his mind, or even just telling me random reasons on why I am oh so adorable. And with that being said are all the reason why I nearly screen shot all the amazingly cute things he says.

January 23rd, 2014. (One my first ever screen shots between us two)

Me: So what is that you do like me lol?

Ryan: Because our conversations are enjoyable and when I'm around you... I get this insanely good feeling inside me to where I would want that every time, and I'm sure it would take along while to find someone else that would give me this amazing feeling you like you and even if I did find some one else I wouldn't choose them because your so different from all the other girls I've meet  or been around. Also your like very very pretty baby(:

I know what your thinking. He, he's extremely cute! And his way with words are magnificent, but wait. There's more(:

February 9th, 2014.

Now this one, I believe was just random.

Ryan: I think your a girl that has this wonderful glow as if you were the bright star next to the moon. Your eyes just make me think about how many seconds I will be able to look into them again, because there a little shy. Your personality is quite silly and adorable, which is very easy to get used to haha. I think you connect with me in our awk moments haha its cute. Your looks on the outside are just as beautiful as they are in the inside!(:

ME: Ha awwas(:

Ryan: I'll be different everytime haha so if you ask tomorrow  on a new day they'll be more be more haha(:

Me: Lol there's a lot of reasons eh? Ha your cute! See your way with words is like a book.

Ryan: Haha this little book will soon be a love story that never ends babe like really your ahhhmazing too. Also your in this little book(:

Ryan: On every page! :p



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