Serious Talks.

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May 25,2014.

Ryan: So what are you doing babe?

Me: Lol nm putting bows on cupcake.

Ryan: Lol why?

Me: Well because I'm home alone bored, and she looks abs adorbs with them(:

Ryan: I wanna see you so bad(:

Me: Lol me to(: i miss you

Ryan: I miss you alot an I mean alot haha.

Me: Lol how so (:

Ryan: Because I miss the feeling or holding your hand nearly ever second im with you haha(:

Me: (: your absolutely the most adorblest guy ever

Ryan: Do you think im respectful babe?

Me: Of course(:

Ryan: Am I too respectful? Like idk if there's a limit.

Me: I don't think there's such thing as a limit on respect? But i think your level of respect is where every persons should be. Very well posh.

Ryan: What's posh?

Me: It means elegant.

Ryan: Lol sorry im not good with your unrecognized words(:

Me: Lol its cool. Plus i like giving you a new insight on unrecognizable words(:

Ryan: I like it haha just dont go overboard with it(:

Ryan: Your just like madly flawless so I dont wanna interrupt your perfection haha so I respect an just stay close but far enough to where I can see the color of your eyes(:

Me: Pff. I don't think im ever gonna get tired of all these wonderful things you come up with (:

Ryan: Yeah im full of little story's about you involving me haha.

Me: Lol your special. In a good non offensive way

Ryan: Haha do you believe I deserve you?

Me: Idk. The word deserve sounds like a prize? Or goal? Im not to fond of that word in this sentence syntax.  I don't know how to answer your question because its off putting?

Ryan: Like am I right for you or am I loveable/cherishing to you lol.

Ryan: Easier way to put it do you think you'll fall in love with me lol.

Woah.... Ok? This isn't awkward at all pffff.

Ryan: You don't have to answer lol

Me: Uhm lol I'm trying to think of how to answer it

Ryan: Oh okay(:

Me: K so idk. Like I honestly don't know how to answer that. I've never been asked that before.

Ryan: Hmmmm....

Ryan: How about...

Ryan: How would you feel if...

Ryan: I was leaving?

Me: Like far far away?

K, now I'm starting to get scared....

Ryan: Like leaving as in gone.

Ryan: But not dead lol idk.

Me: Lol im still not getting you like. Not dating?

Ryan: Yeah an like no contact of one another. Would your heart sink?

Me: Well it would depend on how we left off ig.....

Gosh I over think things....

Ryan: Lol your too smart. Your thinking to deep but your still adorable an I didn't expect ya to answer(:

Me: See your confusing me again lol this conversation just went from like 2 diff subjects

Ryan: Lol sorry babes. I just asked a difficult question I guess.

Ryan: I was trying to see if you uhmm like like me lol.

Me: Lol i do like like you.

Ryan: Well then can I tell you that im starting to fall in love with you?

Ryan: Even though we don't see each other often.. I still..

Ryan: Well I think about loosing you an like it makes me not want to loose you so there for I think im falling for you ya know?

Ryan: Yeah so idk how you'd reply to that lol.

Me: I reaaaaaaallllyyy don't know how to reply to this. So I'm just going to text back so that way you won't think you like creeped me out or something so.... ya

Ryan: Did I?

Me: I don't think you did.

Ryan: Well im glad I got that out(

Me: Lol and how long has that been on your chest?

Ryan: Since the last time you told me you went to the hospital.

For my allergic reaction, at school the paramedics had to come get me.... That was over a month ago.

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