The Fault In Our Stars.

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June 6th, 2014.

Ryan: Gratz on the senior title(:

Me: Heyyy, and thanks(:

Ryan: Im happy with you haha(:

Ryan: So what's up gorgeous?(:

Me: Getting ready to see the Fault In Our Stars with the girls(:

Ryan: I hope you have fun babe. But are me and you still on for this weekend?

Me: Well since im going to see the fault in our stars with the girlies, we can do something else(:

Ryan: Oh okay. When?

Me: Idk what's good for you. Cause you have that camping thingy soon?

Ryan: Oh well I don't think were going to.

Me: So I would of invited you to the movies but its a girl thing. And i really don't want you to see my cry during all the sad or cute parts.

It's true. I'm a hideous cry-er.

Ryan: Yeah I understand babe.

Me: But we will do something though(:

Ryan: Tomorrow or next week?

Me: Im not sure :/

Ryan: Alrighty(:

Me: Ugh i don't like giving that answer...

Ryan: Yeah I don't like it either but I completely understand and ill wait forever if I have too. An im sure when I see you my heart will skip like a skipping rock on water(:

Me: (: you are adorable

Ryan: Thanks babe but please don't make it forever haha I miss you(:

Me: Lol ill try not to

Ryan: Sounds good so when you headed to the movies?

Me: Well it starts at 9, so soon.

Ryan: Oh nice. Well you have to go babe. Text me when its over(:

Ryan: Have a good time gorgeous!

I locked my phone, putting into my pocket.

I headed outside to the car, as Sydney followed behind me, I texted Kayla telling her we were on our way.

Once we got our ticket, and approached inside, my eyes widened.

The theater was a full house! Literally. The only seats left were the two front rows.

We sat down and waited for the movie, that God knows how long I've been waiting, to begin.


My heart had shattered, been put back together poorly, and shattered to a billion pieces once again.

"Oh my God." I cried.

I never experienced heart break before, and if this is it, I for one can not take it.

I never felt so connected to someone, yet alone a character like I did Augustus. He was confident, strong headed, good hearted and gorgeous. And for Hazel Grace, she was witty, beautiful, sophisticated, and heart made of gold. They were perfect for each other, and because of that I literally can't stop crying.

"Augustus. Why?!" Kayla was hysterical.

"I know. He didn't deserve this." The tears continued to stream.

We walked out the theater, as an employee stopped me, "Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yea, but you may wanna get a mop for them tears back there." I sniffled.

He nodded his head, "I understand."

I couldn't help through out the entire movie, cry, and think about how much Augustus held similarities to my boyfriend. Not appearance wise, but through personality. And how he presented himself.

I soon began to miss my very own Augustus Waters. Ryan.

I got home, and situated around 11:30ish, I decided to text Ryan and tell him about the master piece I had witnessed on Facebook.

Me: Hey so you prob fell asleep . But just wanted to tell you that the fault in our stars movie was brilliantly beautiful. It was so amazing, the most chickest chick flick ever to exist. I was wishing you could be there the entire time because it made me miss you more. And ik we say we miss each other a lot but i do mean it. Idk if its the tirdness or all the crying that's making me say this but. Here it is. The guy in the movie reminded me soooooo much of you its unreal. Not off looks or anything but the personality the goofy ness. Dork ness, the way with words that make you oh so ever charming. He constantly called his gf hazel grace beautiful and thats annooother thing that reminded me of you. Its a lot. Lol idk where im going with this anymore but im gonna go before i say to much or to less idk. But Goodnight and sweet dreams xx p.s. sorry for the long message(:

I fell asleep, very shortly after that.

June 7th, 2014.

I woke up to my kitten Cupcake, rubbing against my cold feet, I immediately checked my messages.

June, 6th; 12:44 am,(Text message) Ryan: Would you happen to still be up?

Ryan: Your perfect to me. Even if you say the light only makes you stand out.. baby your perfect in the dark also(:

Ryan: Goodnight! :*

Ryan(On Facebook) : Your something to me and I wouldn't want you to go so quickly. I want you to remember me every second for every word gorgeous.  I miss you too and sweet dreams baby(:

June 7th, 12:30 pm.

Ryan: Hey sweetheart(:

Me: Heyyy

Ryan: So your message on facebook almost made me cry haha it was breath taking to read it before I fell asleep last night(:

Me: Lol i didn't for it to make you almost cry. That movie just got me. It was really sad. Idk if i wrote it because i was tired or sad from the movie. But it was all true.

Ryan: Lol I didn't cry haha just got really warm hearted.

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