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  • Dedicated to Ryara 2-15-14

December 31st, 2013

We hoped out of our maroon van, closing the door behind us. The snow on the ground was soon covered by our intrepid footsteps.

Burt was already at the door, waiting, pacing as if. Me and Sydney floated on up the wooden stair way, he swung open the door, which caused immediate conversation between us three.

"Hey girls. My Ms. Sydney and Cieara aren't you two looking lovely today? Is your daddy in the van?" He asked. Trying to make very small talk, before asking us a question to which we knew the answer to. It sounded quite rhetorical if you ask me.

"Thanks Mr. B. But yea he's right in the car, just go in there." I answered.

"Okay." He mumbled walking past us.

Mr. B was an older man. Like way old. Fifties. He had black hair with grey ones, weaving through it like a snake in garden. Kinda resembling Chralie Sheen's hair style mixed in with Moe from the three stooges.  He was white, with face structure wide, and  nose really bone, and top heavy.

We walked right into Paige's house, with out permission. After all she is practically family. And we used to live right above the too. But that was a long time ago.

Were automatically greeted by Taylor, Paige's younger brother. Now Taylor resembled his dad. A lot. Except that he was skinny, and his hair was a dirty blonde. Taylor was decent kid, I mean despite his annoying ways, he was tolerable.

He was on the pull out bed, playing Call of Duty. That's typical for him. He's a little gamer. His attention is automatically turns to me and Sydney, and his little blue light up.

"Cieara! What are you doing here?" he asked completely shocked.

Did Paige not mention that?

"Were here to get Paige, she's spending the night with us." Sydney chimed in, answering.

"Bitch! I'm right here! Calm yo titties. Both of your's" Paige had walked into the living room to where we were at.

"Hoe hurry yo ass. I'm hungry." Sydney said.

"Yea. Let's go asap. My phones about to die." I fake pout.

"I am ready, I was waiting on yal smurfs to get here." She playfully rolls her eyes.

"Pfff yea sure, lets go hoes."

"Hold up? Where's my man Brandon?"

"Home, probably drinking his coffee or with his girlfriend."

"Mhhmmm... What about Lu-Lu?" She asks kinda excited.

Taylor answers for Paige instead, "Who Logen? He said he wasn't coming outside till later. It's too cold."

"What he said. Lets gooooo." Paige says. hauling her bag of clothes over her back, her medium length dark blonde hair falling into her skinny face, somewhat covering her blue eyes.

Before we can head out the door Taylor calls out, "Hey hold on, I'm coming with you guys!"

We smile and head out to the van where both of our dad's are having 'adult talk.'

Sydney opens the side door, and we all slide in into the back row. and soon followed by Taylor. I sit near the window, opening up and pulling up the blinds. Taylor took a seat next to me, hovering over my shoulder.

Geesh, did this boy not know what's considered personal space?

"Uhm Taylor?" I look over my shoulder, giving him an uncomfortable look.

"Oh right." He eases up, but still stays near.

We begin to drive off, and all I see is the snow on the ground. We began to drive off, but it was at a steady speed. It was my only option to do so for entertainment, since my phone had died, and the only car charger was  momentarily occupied.

As we took off up the street we once meandered, I seen that we were soon approaching a tall, slim figure. All I could make out was blondish gold poofy hair, seeking out of his hoodie, and a face that may be to pretty to be looking down. He even looked cold, and God knows it.

Taylor soon began to wave his hand frantically, at the stranger, but he didn't notice it due to him looking down.

I hurried up and pulled up the blinds, so that way if he did happen to look up, he wouldn't see me, and think I was stalking him. That would be weird. No. That would be creepy. Very creepy.

I turned around to Taylor, "Do you even know him?" I asked hoping he did, because that would be weird if he was just waving to catch a strangers attention.

"Yea, that's Ryan." He said blankly but yet so fast.

"Brian?" I asked, not sure on what name he had given.

"Ryan. Ya know, Brandon's brother?"

"Oh," I have no freaking clue on what or who's he's talking about. "Welp, he's a Brian to me now, no changing that."

Later that night Paige told me I should send this Bri- I mean Ryan A friend request on Facebook, so I did.

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