April Fools!

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April 1st, 2014

"Haha no bitch!" Brianna's laugh was super sarcastic.

"Brili's coming to an end!" Sydney held onto her stomach.

"Haha don't mess with her before she hits you with that, 'Bye Felicia!' " I gasped.

"Oh I would say something to Sydney but oh wait, she doesn't have a boyfriend!"


"Oh and Ryara that will end too!"

Oh no bitch this is war.

"Haha April Fools! I'm just kidding with you."

Mhmmm you better.

Then something clicked!

"Omg omg! Sydney!" I shook her.


"Let's April Fools Ryan!!"

Her eyes lite up, she was so game!

"Ooohh ohhh yes!"

"Ok, ok! Text him on Kik and tell him that uhm... That you were snooping on my phone and you uhm-"

"Found that you were talking to some other boy!"

Oh that's good.

"Yea, yea!"

"What's his name on kik again?"

"Ha ha, its Brown Eyes! With a smiley face at the end."

"Oh yea because your Blue Eyes ...."

We waited as she texted away.

"Ok! I put: Omg Ryan!"

Sydney: Omg Ryan!

Ryan: Hey buddy!

Sydney: Omg... I have something to tell you....

Ryan: Uhm... What is it?

Sydney: I was on Cieara's phone and I seen she was talking to some other guy....

"He just read it!" She screamed.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing, it's been 3 minutes."

Sydney: It was some guy named Dustin, I'm so fucking pissed that she would even do such a thing!

"Text him." She laughed.

Me: Hey babe(:

Ryan: Hey there wonderful.

"Tell him April Fools."

"Okay, okay."

Sydney: APRIL FOOLS LOL!!!!!!!

Ryan: Haha i knew it.

"He said he knew it." Sydney read out.

Me: Lol April Fools babe.

Ryan: Thank God.

Me: Lol did it sound convincing at least?

Ryan: Yea she was. Yea my heart sank.

Me: Lol why?

Ryan: Lets just say she sounded serious? (:

Me: Lol now I feel bad.

Ryan: No it was nice. Made me feel something other than butterflies when it comes to you.

Me: Aw lol to think you wouldn't of believed her for annnooothherrr reason too.

Ryan: Also you promised you not to have another guy on the side lol but when she said she was "on your phone" and once she said that my heart sank for a moment.

Me: Woah babe didn't know I had that effect on you.

Ryan: Yea it's like a ticking time bomb I suppose.

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