A Movie, Pizza, And A Love Letter

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December 18th, 2014.

Me: here.

"Bye Daddy." I smiled getting out the car, happy that I finally made it Ryans.

I began to walk towards the side of the house where it led to the kitchen til I heard my name.


I turned around to see Ryan emerging from the woods leading to his brother's house.

"Ryan." I smiled.

He flashed me that dazzling smile of his and went to my dad's car, greeting him I suppose.

He came back to me.

"Can I hug you?" He asked already hugging me from the side, with his red snuggie swallowing him whole.

"Inside." I laughed to myself.

Once we got inside I sat my book bag with the ingredients that I wasn't allergic to make pizza cake.

"So do you want to make the pizza now or later?"

"Uhm its up to you."

"Later." He said.

We made our way upstairs. I had a surpise for him.

The cutest surpise I think.

I took off my socks and boots, with my bookbag in my lap as I sat criss cross on the edge of the bed, as he sat at the beginning of the bed.

"So what's my surprise?" He asked hugging the snuggie on his fit body.

I reached inside and grabbed two Christmas bags that I had folded with a pink and purple plaided bow tied on it, handing it to them.

He started with the green backgrounded one with red and white candy canes with the pink bow on it.

Ryan united the bow, unraveling the bag, taking out the object that was wrapped in magenta tissue paper carefully.

He finally unwrapped it, to find a hand crafted panda bear with three earrings in its ear.

He looked up at me, and before he could ask what it was, "Its a panda."

He sat it down on the bed, and repeated the same process with the purple plaided bow, unwrapping the second surpise that was wrapped in a bright orange tissue paper.

He began to laugh, "Its a koala?"

"Mhmm. And the best part is this." I said taking both animals, placing the Koala into the Pandas legs, so that way it looks like the Panda is kissing the Koala's cheek.

A big smile streaked across his face like a shooting star in the night sky.

"It's supposed to be me and you." I said sheepishly.

"Its so adorable." He said taking them placing them on top of his dresser.

He returned to his seat grabbing something from the corner of his bed.

"Here goes your love letter." He said handing me a piece of paper folded and tucked.

"Its two papers." He said.

Correction. Two papers folded.

"Two papers eh?" I remained smiling.

"Mhmm. But you can read it when you get home."

"Or here."

"Haha you want me to read it to you?"

"I mean you can."

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