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She was right. Well they both were. Kayla and Mom actually planned a surprise birthday party for me.

And there they were. Cynthia and Doobey. But still no dad....

I practically ran to my best friend!


"Hey baby!" She gripped me into a hug.

"Your here!"

I was more than excited to see her.

"Well duh!"

I unwrapped myself from Cynthia and gave my sister Kayla a bigger hug.

"Thank you so much sis. I love you."

"Your welcome. I love you too."

About 3o minutes of sitting around talking, my special guest had shown up.

"Ryan's here!" Paige shook me from my conversation from Cynthia.

I got up and literally sped walked through the crowded mess of people to my sunshine.

There he was. Walking through the door. I walked up to him, with the biggest smile on my face, and engulfed him into a hug.

They weren't lying. He really was coming(:


"Hey!" You could practically hear the smile in his voice, I swear it's adorable.

"Your here?"

"Yea, Kayla invited me like a week ago."

"Haha and you didn't tell me?" I joked.

"Ha well she told me not to. Sorry babe."

"Its ok."

This hug was super cute. Like nothing but cuteness was radiating off of us. (I know I'm lame.)

My sister Kayla showed up, and said hi to my special gift that she invited.

"Tell mama he's here ok?"

"She doesn't know?"


"Oh. Well. Ok."

My mom is NOT a fan of Ryan.

I grabbed ahold of his hand and led him to where my mom was at, which was my party table with all my One Direction decorations of course.

"Hey mom. Guess who's here?" It came out more like a question.



She gave me her infamous 'stop playing' looks.

"Hello." He waved from behind me.

She was not a happy camper.

Looked like my mom wanted to a have a chit chat with good ole blondie, and I did not want to be around to hear it so I skated onto the floor.

Wanna hear something embarrassing more than my mom talking to Ryan about me?

Well since it was my birthday I had got called out to the middle of skating rink! Fun right? Eh no. They had the entire population inside the place on the floor surrounding me, with me in the middle, and we did the hokey pokey! But wait. There's more. They even called Ryan out to join me.... I was so nervous, I  confused my right with my left..... But one cute thing did happen. Ryan gave me a panda shaped USB. (My favorite animal❤ )

After talking to my Mommy Dearest, and our dance number Ryan and I linked hands and talked.

"So... What did my mom say?" I asked nervously.

"Well she told me that your a good kid, and student and she doesn't want me to influence you to do bad things and stuff. I told her I wouldn't. And then she asked me what I was to you."

"And you said?" Even more nervous than before.

"I just told her we were really good friends-"

"Oh friends. That's such a good label." I was more sarcastic than needed....

"Well... I was hoping we could be more than friends ya know?"

Hold up what?

I nearly crashed, "What?"

"You know like boyfriend girlfriend?"


"Haha, I guess what I'm trying to say is.... Will you go out with me?"

A smile imprinted in my face.

"I don't know.... I mean. There's this other guy."

"There is?" He asked quickly.


"Oh... What does he look like?"

"Oh you know. Tall. Cute. Blonde, with these amazing blue eyes."

Then it clicked. He knew I was talking about him.

"Oh really?" He asked, now the smile was on his face.


We continued to skate hand in hand.

"So what's your answer?"

My heart was racing and pounding. And my mind was screaming, 'Yes! Of course yes! I wouldn't love anything more!  But of course me, being me I said :

"Can I think about it?"

Enter face smack here tim es a trillion kay?

"Of course."

I rolled off the skating rink to think and there he was. My dad! He made it! And he had roses in his hand!

"Dad!" I rolled right into his embrace.

"Hey! There's something different about you that I haven't seen is there?"

"Dad?" I said, already knowing what he was going to say.

"17. I never seen you 17 before. Happy birthday Cieara. These are from Margaret and Doug imported from North Carolina."

They were white pink and purple roses. They were absolutely beautiful.

"Thank you."

"I see your little friend is here." He said motioning to Ryan approaching us.

"Yea, Kayla invited him!"

"Haha yea. So what was your favorite gift so far?"

I lowered my voice, "Most definitely you making it here tonight and Ryan being here."

I gave my dad a hug and went to skate off towards the end of the rink where me Ryan Cynthia and Doobey was going to all talk.

As time flew by, the party had to end... We all had to return our skates.

Ryan was on the floor, untying his skates with his shoes on the side of him.

I plopped down bedside him, muckering up the courage to say the God given answer I was Oh so been waiting to give.

"So I have an answer." I said softly.

He looked at me smiling, dropping what he was doing.

"You do?"

"Yea... And I choose.... Yes."

I swear that night I never seen him smile so bright before.

I felt my cheeks tingle with redness.

"I'm glad you said yes."

At that moment I swear I could've kissed him.

He got up after putting on his shoes and took me into his arms for a hug. Our first hug as a couple.

I thought to myself.


And this was the official day Of Ryara (: 2·15·14 ❤

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