A Quick Christmas

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December 25th, 2014

Me: I'm sorry. Ill come tomorrow. Its getting late, and my dad's tired so I'll come tomorrow.

Ryan: Aw okay babe:(

I just put on my sports bra, and put my hair into a pony tail.

Knock knock.

"Yea?" I asked irritated and let down.

"Cieara?" My called from behind my curtain.

"Can I come in?"

I went onto my bed, going under my covers.


"Are you still wanting to go over Ryan's?" He asked.

"Its late."

"Yea but I'll-"

"Only because its Christmas." I said trying to hold back a smile.

"Hurry up." He says, leaving my room.

I got up quickly throwing on my new onesie I've gotten.

Light pink with hearts all on it with zebra design.

I zipped it up realizing that I didn't have on a shirt.

I quickly ran to my brothers room, grabbing the first shirt I seen since I couldn't see any night shirts.

I grabbed an all black oversized shirt with multicolored guitars scattered all over it.

I put it on, grabbing my black zebra print boots, and Ryan's gift bag, and headed out.

Me: I'm coming!

Ryan: what now?

Me: yea!

Ryan: like in car now leaving?(:

Me: yep!

Ryan: when are you leaving babe?

Me: 11

Ryan: text me when you get here(:


I got out the van, once I seen Ryan knock on my dad's window.

"Bye Dad. See you soon." I waved.

"Okay baby see you soon."

I went to Ryan's side, taking my hand into his as he had himself wrapped in his red suggie.

"Can I have a kiss?"

"My dad's right there." I mumured.

We walked inside, and went to his room.

I took off my boots and sat criss cross on his bed, handing him the blue snow man bag.

"Merry Christmas." I smiled.

"This is the only thing I got." He smiled as he took out the gift I poorly wrapped.

He took the red Santa wrapped gift in hand, expecting it.

It had a big blue bow wrapped around it.

"How do you take this off?"

"What do you mean?"

"I wanna keep this bow."

I smiled, assisting the blond man boy with the added ascesory.

He managed to get it unravelled, and began to gentley tear at the gift wrap.

It exposed a pretzel jar that I was clean, with a picture of Minnie and Mickey mouse kissing with a heart above with our date written in it. With heart shaped post it notes, taped on the side that says how much of a dork we are.

But inside of the jar, was a shirt that was white and blue tribal designed, 99 small colorful hearts with little reasons why I love him. And the 100th heart was the main reason why I do, with kiss marks all over it, filled with sortments of his favorite candy and 8 printed photos of me and Ryan together with little notes about that day written on the back.

A smile was brought onto his face at the sight of everything. He pulled out the shirt, and taking of his grey shirt throwing it into the corner of the bed.

Oh my god.



Your body.



So many beauty marks scattered across his abs.

His nipples are glorious.

Wait what? 

Okay that was weird.

And he put on the new one.

Here we go again.

His eyes in that shirt.

Oh my.

Fangirl mode activated.

"I love it. Thank you babe." Ryan leans forward to give me a kiss in which I return.

"Your welcome." I smile.

I swear I could of passed out my extreme mental fangirling right then and there.


I didn't even have an hour left til my dad got here. So we just laid there in bed telling jokes. Being dorky. Staring at each other. Corny yea? I know. But this is what we are.

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