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September 19th, 2014.

"Yea yea this is the address."I nodded as we pulled up to Asia's house.

Me: Here.

There they appeared out of the house, Asia, Mary and Kate.

I was making sure I had my stuff in my purse before I got out.

"Okay thanks mom I love you."

"Ok, love you too."

I got out the car pulling up my dark blue demin shorts.

Where'd they go?

Oooh..... they left... okie.

I walked up to the stairs and waited.

They were looking behind the curtain and door, like little creepers.

My creepers. My friends everybody!

"Oh my god there you are!" I laughed as they came outside laughing too.

"Haha we went inside because there was a white lady waving at us and two kids and we got scared." Mary,Kate, and Asia said at once.

"Ha ha that would be my mom, my aunt, and my two brothers."

After laughing some more we went inside to get dressed.

I wore a black long sleeved sweater with as said before dark blue shorts and my turquoise beanie that read 'As If' and my sparkly vans.

The girls were in their uniform still.

"Okay we need to start getting ready." Mary stated.

We all agreed and nodded.

I sat down at the dining room table and continued my make up. H. Eyebrows were already done.

Mary went to bathroom for eyebrows which are always on point. I be jelly.

She came out in a Nirvana shirt, greenish kind of pants with all black converses if I'm not mistaken we with a black beanie holding into her short auburn kind of hair.

Kate had on a pink and black polka dot shirt, black skinny jeans and combat boots to match, and a black beanie too.

Last but not least Asia. She came down in colorful leggings that were grey, black pink and purple with a black shirt and white flats, and her as well, with a beanie.

As Kate would say, 'The beanie gang.'

"I'm so happy your here. You can help me text Ryan!" She chirped.

"Haha Ryan 2.0."  Asia laughed.

"Well I'm here." I beamed.

I like being involved into Kate's love life! Since its another Ryan it makes it funny.

We talked on the phone with him, he is hilarious.

"Get away from me."

"I will hit you."

"Just let me use the keys."

We all laughed.

After I helped with Kate's awkwardness we left on our way to the Underground to see Asia's truly.

Technicolor Monster.

In more specifically to see her boyfriend Logan!

He's the drummer.


After paying for our stamps, we walked in further more and bam.

There was a whole lot more guys here then the last time me Kayla and Asia were here.

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