Little Things

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August 13th, 2014

Ryan: Lol what are you up too?

Me: Sitting down outside, kinda bored tbh

Ryan: Wish I was there(:

Me: Me and you both(:

Ryan: Would be lovely(:

Me: It would. Lol you'd be seeing me in my onesie and my hair wild.

Ryan: This stop smoking thing is hard.. :/

Ryan: Sounds perfect(:

Me: How many cigarettes have you had so far today?

Me: I still can't wrap my head around an image of you smoking lol

Ryan: Atleast 2. My brother shared 3 with me.

Me: Who all smokes besides you?

Ryan: Aaron and brandon.

Me: Oohhh I personally think you can do it. Mind over matter you know? Plus its gonna be rewarding in the long run.

Ryan: Yeah it is. Just its hard when you have brothers that offer you cigarettes.

Ryan: Then I have to say no... saying no is hard when it comes to that moment.

Ryan: But I have faith in quiting. It a just blah. Irritated to much threw out the day.

Ryan: Its just blahhhhh...

Me: Yea blahh is irritating? But when im irritated ik this sounds wacky i either walk off somewhere or meditate. And sometimes yoga.

Me: But that's just me, but yea smoking takes some time to quit all together. As long as your genuinely trying that's what matters overall cause you'd get there eventually.

Ryan: Your my meditation lol(:

Ryan: Like you make me happy and warm. Just like meditating(:

Me: Pff (: aren't you charming

Ryan: Sometimes but right now im being truthful(:

Me: I like how your all truthful and stuffs(:

Ryan: Explain(:

Me: Lol k. Uhm i just do? Cause like it makes you different in a way cause your not shy to be all blunt and tell your mind and say randomly cute things. It makes me smile a lot lol and blush even though im mixed and i don't think it shows but i can most def tell my face gets a flushed with heat

Ryan: Lol your amazing.

Me: Idk if i try or it comes natural (:

Ryan: I just say what's on my mind(:

Ryan: And don't hesitate lol.

Me: Lol I've noticed that the first time i talked to you ha

Ryan: Well atleast im not predictable(;

Me: Lol that you are not(:

Ryan: So what have you got planned for today?

Me: Nothing really. Just watching tv, maybe draw a bit? There's not much to do here lol

Ryan: If only I could be there(:

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