Cute Stuffs.

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May 30th, 2014.

So it's been about five days last since our serious talk and what not. And to my surprise, things aren't weird at all. I don't know why I thought it would be, but it isn't.

Ryan: Haha what you do just gives me a warm feeling in my fingers tips and toes(:

Me: Ha aren't you being quite cute today?

Ryan:Oh well I was just speaking lol to much ha?

Me: Lol naaa i don't think it'll ever be too much
Ryan: Haha I let my words free when im thinking about you or talking. Its kinda overwhelming babe lol.

Me: Lol i like your blunt-ness or what eve. Ha one of my fave things about you

Ryan: Yeah you told me that haha an I like your shiny beautiful brown eyes(:

Ryan: I miss them dearly. :3

Me: Lol and you've told me that.

Ryan: So babe can I tell you something...

Me: Go for it.

Ryan: Your perfect to me and I miss you a lot(:

Me: Lol perfect you say?

Ryan: Yeah(:

Ryan: Every curve, curl, point, spot and all the flawless ends you have(:

Not only is my boyfriend albino(inside joke), he's  amazingly amazing, and his way with words seriously makes you smile like an idiot(:  

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