Face To Face.

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January 4th, 2014.

 I put on my black skinny jeans, grey titian hoodie, and light brown uggs. We were on our way to Paige's house, to drop her and Taylor back off.

I straightened my hair, and applied mascara and liquid eyeliner, along with the regular one to my eyes. Nothing to spectacular as you can tell by my not so pre selected outfit.

We all loaded into the van one by one. Paige, Sydney, Taylor, and I.

"So I gotta go handle some business so yal will be over Burt's house for a while tilI I get back."

I looked at Paige and Sydney, who were already looking at me smiling just about as half as I was.

I nodded, "It's okay, I mean we can manage." I smiled.

We were over at Paige's house, in what seemed like no time. I could already feel butterfly's begin to flutter about in my stomach ever so lightly.

We pulled up, and got out eager, practically running inside the house before we were seen by anyone next door.

"Soooooo?" Paige urged on, the minute we stepped in side her room.

"So what?" I asked.

"So! Are you going to see Ryan today?" Sydney asked, fiddling with my hair.

"Uhm... I don't know, I mean if he wants a."

"You are, no if ands or buts." Paige stated.


"Fix your hair, like brush it, its looking kinda static." Sydney said, brushing it to its sides.

"Ok so text Ryan, right now, and tell him your here." Paige ordered.

"What. No I don't wanna seem creepy like I'm popping up and all like Oh heyyy, pfff fancy meeting you here. When he lives next door!"

"So?" Paige said, obviously she's a creeper.

"Its either you do it, or Ill send Tayor over there to get him myself!" Sydney shouted.

"Fine." I got out my phone, unlocking it, and shooting Ryan a test message.

Me: Omg Taylor is so annoying.

Ryan: Hold up, are you over Paige's?

Me: Yea...

Ryan: Hold up, Ill be outside soon, give me 5 minutes(:

Me: kk (:

"Omg he knows I'm here. I cant nope. I cant go through with this." I start to ramble on.

"Stop being  a bitch and go outside!"   Paige ordered.

She would actually hit me if I didn't, In fear for my boobs, I walked out to her porch, mucking up the courage,  to find Taylor and Logen in plain view throwing snow balls.

The minute I looked up the street all that courage I had flew straight out the window.

I can't do this.. Nopes. And here we go again.

"Uh,uh,uh bitch." Sydney grabbed my arm, and Paige grabbed the other one, pulling, no dragging me to his house.

"Nope, yo ass is going over there. He's already waiting for you."

She was right, but there was no way in hell I can just walk over there and be so ever confident.

I pressed my weight down as we were past Paige's fence, by not even half way. They had to drag me there.

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