Just Let That Sink In

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June 27th, 2014.

Ryan: Hey babe!

Ryan: I'm just now getting home, and getting the chance to text:/

Me: Heyyyoooo sunshine!

Ryan: I miss you!

Me: Lol i miss you too baby!

Ryan: I thought about you seriously all day lol in a non creepy way just like I miss you babes ):

Ryan: And I wanted to see you but I had to help my grandfather with yard work and porch cleaning etc...

Me: Awww(: its okay babes. Im not even in Cincinnati so don't feel bad.

Ryan: Where are you?

Me: I'm up in Columbus.

Ryan: So are you going to be home tonight/tomorrow?

Me: Sunday afternoonish maybe?

Ryan: Woahh so no seeing me or not?

Me: Well not this weekend babes. Sorry:/

Ryan: Awww okay babe.

Me: Heyyyooo babes, this up coming week day we can go swimming though? I mean if your up for it.

Ryan: Yeah I am(:

Me: Then its a date (:

Ryan: I wanna hold ya(:

Ryan: For awhile like seriously 5 minutes straight.

Me: Lol yea? Well me too, and maybe kinda kiss you? Idk if that sounds awkward ot weird or not

Ryan: Ill kiss you before you'll kiss me(:

Me: Ha i have no doubt that you would (:

Ryan: Rejection doesn't hurt haha the confidence matters more(:

Me: Ha i wouldn't call it rejection, more like a uhmm ..  just a deny?

Ryan: Paha same things babes(;

Ryan: Im kissing you as soon as I hug you(:

Me: Haha you don't say :p

Ryan: I mean im pretty used to you an I like... deeply want to kiss you all the time because a kiss is always something to remember so i guess im saying a want a good a nice warm memory(:

Ryan: But you let that sink in babes. I'm tired unfortunately. So this is goodnight baby, also check IG DM lol. Sweet dreams love (:

Me: Will do babes, good night and lovely dreams xx

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