
120 5 0

June 9th, 2014


Ryan: Do you look forward to falling in love with a guy?

Ryan: Or someone lol


Me: Lol or someone yes.

Ryan: Lol what's that suppose to mean? :p

Me: Lol you said or a guy or someone. So I interperted it as that someone being a girl possibly? Or a guy from a band. Idk

Ryan: Or someone as in me.

Me: Or a Unicorn?!

Me: Oh.... Were being serious.... uhmm sure


Ryan: Lol i miss your voice. If that was a face to face conversation I would of cried laughing.  Your adorable(:

Me: Why thank you? Lol im confused. We are being serious right now right?

Ryan: yeah babe.

Me: Alright. But k, my serious persona is on now. Lol so you were saying?

Ryan: i was saying uhmm..

Ryan: oh yeah

Ryan: if you look forward to loving someone lol.

Ryan: and then I said someone like me.

Me: Oooohhhh.

Ryan: I was meaning like are you afraid of falling in love with me or someone like me is what i completely meant.

Me: Well. No.... I mean falling is all apart of the journey right?

Ryan: well its been on my mind lol i was just questioning your look on love lol idk im weird.

Ryan: atleast your not afraid(:

Me: Lol, i don't think i am. So what's your opinion on this love or falling thing?

Me: Just curious.

Ryan: To make the girl im in love with feel like a champion of everything and that it has it's happiness with just one person. To hold her up as long as she will hold my hand. Probably to deep for you to think the same but I'm not of afraid of love because it crates amazing stuff lol...

Ryan: I'm not gay lol so I put girl meaning to you but I have an open mind lol idk

Me:Lol well i know your not gay? But if you were id be toats cool with that js.

Me: uhm question?

Ryan: im totally not going for a guy lol just no one in the world knows what's going to happen in there life so there for my mind is open ya know lol?

Ryan: And go for it(:

Me: Lol so Uhm.... like uh. Just wondering you said that my outlook on this stuff has been on your mind lately. But i was wondering why?

Ryan: ehh the truth babe?

Me: Yea.....

Oh gosh.

Ryan: Well I love you.


Me:....... are you sure?

Insert face palm here.... Idiot.

Ryan: I couldn't really tell you that. All I know is I want to better your life in away no one else has, I truly care about you and I listen to  everything and anything you have to say and I care about your choices and I don't judge them so if that doesn't describe love then I don't know what this feeling I have for you is babe but I know I cherish it deeply.

Ryan: Well I do judge your choices but like don't try making you thinking different lol idk.

Ryan: I guess what im saying is no one knows when love is there until its gone.

Me: Im kinda speechless right now.... i mean i knew that a day like this would come, and i prob had this planned in my head or something... but now that its here i don't know what to say?

Ryan: Don't say anything and just embrace the fact that you know lol. Idk(:

Ryan: Unless you have something and your shy to say it lol.

Me: I want to say something all romantic like and junks cause this is a nice moment. But its gonna be real corny and idk

Ryan: I'm really am curious now and won't judge you beautiful(:

Ryan: Im weird and I said that all weird like lol.

Me: This is sooooo corny.... omg .

Me: I fell for you like the ashes off your cigarettes, slowly and willingly. To only lead up to the fact.... that i feel the same way

Ryan: Im gunna cry.. that was really sweet and it had meaning.

Me: Thanks.... I'm new at this..... so yea im sorry if i make this awkward...

Ryan: This is no where near awkward(:

Ryan: So no other guy you've been with told you they loved you?

Me: Once. But he was a douche. Like legit. But it wasn't really love.... idk.

Ryan: oh okay, how long were you with him?

Me: About 7-8 months?

Ryan: Off and on?

Me: No. Well not on my behalf. He was a huge cheater and liar  basically.....

Ryan: And did you see him often?

Me: Yea then no? He moved about 5, 6 months in, but would rarely but occasionally come down and visit.

It was my brother's best friend.

Ryan: And did your dad know about him?

Me: No, he didn't like the official public thing.

Ryan: He didn't like being with you up close?

Me: Only when it was convenient for him

Ryan: Well enough about him, your perfect babe(:

Thank god...

Ryan: But sadly to be said i have to go to bed, i might have a job tomorrow.

Ryan: So this is goodnight gorgeous and sweet dreams. I love you!(:

Ryan: There I said it haha and i feel great so yeah nights (:

Me: Ok babes. Good luck tomorrow and sweet dreams. I love you too(:

Ryan: :*

Me: Feels weird but normal saying that lol

Ryan: It does feel right haha(:

Me: (:

Author's Note:

So there you have it. The "L" word has been officially dropped(: It may not be like the triumph way Augustus confessed his love for Hazel Grace, but to me I couldn't ask for a better way that it was said(:

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