Yea, I'm Batman

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August 4th, 2014

Me: So i had this weird dream? Idk why like 4 something in morning is usually when i wake up and have them though lol so basically idk where we are but im guessing its my house and were like just sitting in my room watching Netflix and just being stupid and then la de duh.... and then out of nowhere your like im batman. And it turned out you were actually batman, and like you had the batmobile and you took us to Starbucks?

Ryan: Lol yeah im bat man babe(:

Ryan: I cant sleep raawr....

Ryan: But I had a dream of us too! I shouldn't share though lol.

Ryan: Well its not bad I suppose.

Me: Lol neither can I. I've been up for hours.

Me: But you can share if you like? Idk its up yo you lol

Ryan: But I had a dream of us too! I shouldn't share though lol.

Me: I've been up since like 3 almost 4.

Ryan: But however.. it was me and you watching adventure time but on a huge outdoor movie theaters screen. An uhm we were kissing a lot lol then your dad shows up with your mom with popcorn as were kissing. Your mom hits me on top of the head with a soda can an makes me break up with you... but I still was able to follow you because you would drop purple fiesta rose petals where ever you went an i followed then ended up a western hills skating rink. You were folded over crying in the spot where our first kiss would of been in the parking lot.. I woke up once I seen you crying well more like heard you crying because I didn't see your face.

Me:Wow, lol i like how your dreams are like all serious then there's mine where its always like light hearted. Ha idk why but most of my dreams consist of us watching Netflix in my room?

Ryan: Well that's the first serious dream I had in awhile lol.

Ryan: Maybe were meant to watch Netflix together(:

Me: Pfft i agree. Lol and like in my dream we were in matching sweats? And you kept making monkey faces trying to kiss me and Sydney shows up like ew no stahp, so you throw jelly beans at her.

Ryan: I wanna match with you one day haha. White jeans and the shirt that has like a cute logo for his an hers. That's what I always picture(:

Me: Lol i don't have white jeans but i have white shorts? If that counts for anything

Ryan: Lol well I was just saying what I picture but maybe we can just go out an get the same outfit someday in the future(;

Me: Lol you have good cute ideas(:

Me: Reminds me of Twitter

Ryan: Why Twitter lol?

Me: Cause that's where i see all the cute couple pictures at.

Ryan: Id like to take a cute photo like that someday with you(:

Me: Pfff its like 5 am and im already smiling like an idiot already lol

Ryan: Lol that's perfect(:

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