Cute Contest.

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February 9th 2014.

(Middle of conversation (: )

Me: Lol well I have good timing Ig.

Ryan: Well you came into my life at the perfect moment hahah so yes you do babe(:

Ryan: But guess what!

Me: Lol what?

Ryan: Lol I already know what I'm getting you for valentines day(:

Me: Lol your not gonna try to kiss me are ya :p

Ryan: Haha eeehhh no promises but no?

Me: Lol okay.... Then I think I know what it is. Idk i may be wrong.

Ryan: Lol what do you think it is?

Me: Uhmm... Im going off on a limb here, but are you gonna ask me out?

Ryan: I can't lie to you, your right (:

Me: Woah I was actually right?

Ryan: Yea babe(:

Me: Ha I feel smart now(:

Me: Thats a cute gesture/gift(:

Ryan: If you think about it, our anniversary will be valentines day haha. Well that's if you say yes.

Me: Lol well that days coming here shortly.

(Later into the conversation)

Ryan: Your adorable

Me: Lol well your adorabler

Ryan: Haha your adorabler-er

Me: Haha a cute contest it is then!

Me: Your adorabler-er_er-er-er-er-er-er-er-er-est-erler!

Ryan: Lol you win!

Ryan: Lol your adorable.

Me: Lol I win ^_^

Ryan: I would have to put so many ers and est's just to win haha. But you still make my world as happy as it could be even if I'm a loser(:

Me: Lol well then. If your a loser and I'm a winner I'd let you be the trophy or what not(:

Ryan: Omg! Your getting good babe! (:

Ryan: It's hot hehe :3

Ryan: But if I were the trophy I'd still hold you up in the air as if you were my trophy haha

Me: Lol Im improving!

Me: Lol you win that one lol I cant think of anything to top that one.

Ryan: You don't need improvement babe your just getting used to me heheh

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