I Did It For You

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August 28th, 2015

I sat in the dinning room like I always do when I get off work.

Sometimes with night shifts I get out late, but tonight I got out around 11:30.

I finally checked my phone to get messages and missed calls from Ryan.

It made me nervous because I wasn't sure what was going on, or what happened.

Til I opened the messages.

Ryan: Hey do you need a ride?

Ryan: Or is kevin going to take you home?

Ryan: call me and let me know.

I called and no one picked up.

I called again.

"Hey, you called?"

"Yea did you need a ride?"He asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm going to head out to the bar with Brandon and Logen for a bit."

Are you serious right now?


"I know you wanted to go, but we all been waiting for you to get off."

"Yea I can get one."

Waiting my ass. He knows what time I get off work. I told him.

"Alright, I'll be home in a couple hours."

"Okay." And I hung up.

At this point I was upset a bit, because he promised me that he'd take me on his off day. Which was today.

I took off my hat and let down my pink hair, running my fingers through it.

Kevin came waking in from the back.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked twirling his keys from his finger.

Kevin is ny coworker. Me and him get along very well. We listen to damn near the same music, we joke around, he covers my shifts if needed. He's a cool dude. He even insists to take me to Ryan's the nights he does work.

"Yea I'm okay."

"You look down. What happened? Boyfriend pissed you off?"

Wow he's good.

"Just a bit."

"Aww its okay. Need a ride?"

"Actually yea, thanks."


I get at the house early 12.

I walk in and go upstairs.

Completely empty.

Well except for Christofer, River, and Chloe.(Our three pet children)

I get undressed in the bathroom, taking out my contacts, and getting out my fajita smelling work clothes.

I decided to kill time by brushing out my hair.

My girlfriend's bitching cause i always sleep innnn

I looked at my phone and it read Brandon's name.

I got to it to late.

My clock read 12:31 and my phone went off again.

This time I actually ignored it.

I went back to the bedroom and plugged uo my phone and got onto Netflix to resume my episode on Cupcake war.

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