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Wanda put the bacon on the pan making her have a bit of free time before flipping them so she turned to look at Y/n who quickly turned her head to look at the tv.

Then there was a loud bright strike that came from the lawn of the compound, it didn't seem to bother anyone else, but Y/n jumped a bit uncrossing her legs as she looked out the glass wall. "Calm down there Stark it's just Thor." Wanda said with a smirk.

"I knew that." She mumbled trying to calm her nerves.

"No, you didn't." Natasha said shaking her head. Y/n looked outside and watched as the short brown hair god made his way to the front of the building. He pushed on the door but it didn't open then he knocked. "You pull smart one, there's a sign."

Thor nodded his head then pulled the door. "This is the Mighty Thor? God of Thunder?" Y/n asked herself, but with Natasha next to her hearing what she said she punched Y/n in the stomach earning a grunt from her. "I take that as a yes?"

Thor walked in his eyes landing on Y/n first. "Who is this person?" He asked putting Stormbreaker down as it leaned against the wall, it started to fall over so he turned around moving it in different spots till it stayed still. When it did, he back away slowing with his palms facing it whispering the word 'Stay' to the axe.

"This is Y/n, Stark's sister." Wanda answered from the kitchen as she flipped the bacon over.

"Stark has a sister?"

"She has powers too."

"What kind?" He asked looking back at Y/n.

"I have speed and a type of magic I don't know." Y/n said turning around to the back of the couch to look at Thor.

"Magic? Could you show me?" Y/n got up a walked over to Thor making different things appear in  her hands then making them disappear. "Have you tried shapeshifting?"

"No, I don't think I can do it." Y/n said confused as to why shapeshifting was the first thing to come to his head.

"Do you guys have a pen I can use?" Thor asked motioning his hand like he's writing. Natasha got up to lead Thor to the meeting room. "Stay here." He instructed following her out.

"Seems as if you have some tricks up your sleeve." Wanda said putting the bacon onto a plate smiling to herself.

"Maybe I'm more powerful than yo-"

"You don't want to finish that sentence." Wanda said turning her head to look at Y/n and lightly flashing her eyes red with an innocent smile.

"Well now I don't want to." She mumbled to herself as Thor made his way back over.

"Ok, try these things when you get the chance. I believe you have the same powers as my brother, Loki, god of Mischief." He said handing Y/n the piece of paper.

"There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, 'Yeah, it's me!' And he stabbed me. We were, eight at the time."

"Wow, that's...cool?" Y/n said taking the paper and looked down the list as her eyes scanned through the different things on the paper wondering if what she was told is true.

"It's awesome that you have a powers and are a female. You know you guys are always strong with or without powers. Not saying that they're better but i think it's cool there are more females, you know. I like females, there cool and i think it's cool that you too have powers." He ranted with his hands on his hips nodding with a smile nervous he said something wrong making Y/n smile. She turned her head to Natasha who just shook her head laughing silently.  "Anyways, where is Banner?" Thor asked,

"In his lab as always." Natasha said as she walked out the room and Thor walked to the back. Y/n walked to the barstools in the kitchen and sat down looking at the list. A red wisp of energy grabs it bringing it to Wanda's hold as she looked at the list for herself.

"Do you think I can do those things?" Y/n asked getting a bit excited to see if it's true.

Wanda nodded then turned to her. "You're magic, you can do anything." She said giving Y/n a smile before passing her a plate of food. Y/n notice how happy Wanda seemed to be these pass few days but never said anything about it until now.

"What's got you all happy?" Y/n asked taking a bite of her bacon. Besides the events of what Tony told her to do this morning Wanda was starting to feel better after her talk with Natasha. Even though she was hiding something from Y/n someone she knew was going to leave in a couple weeks she couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I think I'm getting better," Wanda said, Y/n nodded in response making fireworks appear in her hand making Wanda giggle and turn around to hide her smile she couldn't contain. Y/n noticed and cut the fireworks off smiling to herself.

"Well, that's good to hear." Y/n said. Once Wanda calmed down from smiling at Y/n's words she turned back around to meet her. Y/n felt Wanda's stare so she looked up from her food, a thought crossed Wanda's mind randomly and she decided to try it while Y/n looked at her innocently.

Wanda lifted her finger focusing on Y/n and watched as her arm lifted up. "What are you doing?" Y/n asked. Wanda didn't say anything, just looked more confused. She leaned back on the counter and held her palm out to Y/n.

"Are you trying to move?" Wanda asked,

"Yes, you paused my breakfast to what? Make me your puppet?"

"That wouldn't be too bad, would it?" Wanda asked jokingly but her comment took Y/n by surprise. She opened her mouth to say something but cut herself off before getting a word out. Wanda moved another finger and saw has Y/n's other hand moved. "I think...I can control you?"

Y/n looked at Wanda confused, "Can I eat now?" She asked, Wanda stopped controlling Y/n and watched as her arm dropped and Wanda continued moving around the kitchen but then stopped when a question popped into her head.

"Have you touched the mind stone before?" Wanda asked turning back to Y/n.

"Yeah, why?" Wanda thought for a second before leaning forward on the counter.

"How? I thought the Avengers took it from Hydra?" She asked, Y/n shrugged before looking at Wanda again.

"I don't know, all I know was I sent a location and had be at that place at a certain time." She said taking the last bite of her bacon. When done she got up and walked to the sink cleaning her plate.

"Do you happen to know where the place is?" Y/n turned her head to look at Wanda turning the water off.

"Why are you asking me questions about my time there?" Y/n asked laughing slightly to not sound rude. Wanda stood up looking at Y/n realizing the questions she was asking.

"Just wanting to know you more." She answered, Y/n nodded her head before answering.

"Well nice try Maximoff but I don't share things like that to strangers. Only people I'm close with." Y/n said giving Wanda a smile. She turned around about to leave the kitchen when Wanda asked another question.

"Would you want me to help you?" She asked squeezing her eyes shut as she waited for an answer.

"Help me with what?" Y/n asked turning around to look at Wanda confused, Wanda opened her eyes again to explain.

"With your powers. If you want, I think I can help you do everything on the list."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course." Wanda said giving Y/n a soft smile, Y/n couldn't help but smile back,

"I'd like that, thank you." Y/n said tapping the wall as a signal of her leaving. Wanda watched her walk out and smiled to herself but went away when she received a text from Tony.

Wanda looked down at her phone seeing the message Tony had sent, she rolled her eyes deleting the message and turning her phone off walking away and cleaning up the kitchen.

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