Air wars

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When the jet started to shake the two broke apart, Y/n whispered curse words under her breath as she stood up.

Wanda watched as Y/n walked around the jet finding a quiver and picking it up. "Y/n, don't go." Wanda pleaded but she didn't listen.

Y/n was beginning to get annoyed, she just wanted peace, that's all. She hit her palm against the button on the wall which lowered the hatch.

Not really knowing how to work a bow and arrow well she just grabbed the arrows out holding them in her hand tightly waiting to see what was following them.

When the hatch half way lowered it was clear another jet was following closely behind, once it was fully down Y/n grabbed an arrow throwing it at the glass trying to shatter it enough so she could kill the pilot.

The jet continued to shoot at them hitting the area there energy was stored. "We are now at 60%." JARVIS informed.

Y/n threw another arrow that went through the glass hitting a person in the background. "Y/n be careful!" Wanda said noticing how annoyed she was getting.

Y/n through another arrow that attached itself to the side of the jet, and with in a few seconds the jet behind them blew.

Wanda quickly got up closing the hatch before Y/n could make another move then made her way over to her.

"Y/n, please relax." She said cupping her face, still taking heavy breaths Y/n nodded in agreement, Wanda nodded her head in appreciation for Y/n listening to her.

She wrapped her arms around Y/n pulling her into a hug, "Please stop holding back." Wanda said drawing invisible patterns on Y/n's back. "It's just us."

Y/n let the words hit her deep. She dropped the arrows, a thud noise filling the air when they hit the ground, and hugged Wanda tightly closing her eyes.

"There's something else bothering you besides leaving Tony and Morgan, what is it?" She asked softly guiding Y/n to an empty chair.

They both sat down next to each other, Wanda reached out grabbing Y/n's hands intertwining her fingers with hers.

"I'm okay with leaving Tony...I know I'll see him again." Subconsciously Y/n tightened her grip on. "It's just Aaron." She mumbled.

Wanda slightly furrowed her brows at the name, she remembered after her and Tony picked her up from the apartment that she turned her head back looking for him but other than that she didn't know him.

"Who's Aaron?" She asked placing another hand over Y/n's to signal she's listening.

"He was like my brother. I met him my last year of high school, and we went to the same college." She said, a slight smile recalling the memory.


Y/n turned her head searching for the voice that called her name, she looked up from her desk seeing the man with a t-shirt rolled up sleeves and black pants with a lanyard hanging from a pocket.

If she didn't look at his face she would've assumed it was some random guy but when she saw Aaron's face at her doorway a smile appeared on her face.

She quickly got up walking to him giving him a hug, "H-how are you here?" She stammered in excitement.

"I got in idiot." Aaron said shaking her before releasing her from the hug.

"Shit this is amazing." She said trying to relax her breath.

"This is awesome!" He yelled entering Y/n's dorm room. "I thought you were going to MIT."

"No way, I'm not following in the steps of my brother, he can keep his ego. Like he needs more of it." She explained taking a seat back at her desk.

"How is he by the way? Last time I saw him he was flicking peanuts at us while we were trying to study."

"You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?" He asked closing the room door taking a seat on the edge of her bed.

"He's Iron Man. He doesn't need me anymore."

"I think he does, if it wasn't for you he wouldn't even have Stark Industries."

Y/n shrugged spinning in the chair back to face the laptop on her desk. "What floor are you on?"

"The one above." He responded leaning back to her comfortable. He realized the pillow beneath his head was uncomfortable and instead of just moving it to the side he grabbed the end of it throwing it forward to hit Y/n.

When the pillow hit her face and fell in her lap Aaron couldn't help but laugh, "I'm so close to kicking you out." She said throwing the pillow back at him.

Wanda watched as the memory played in Y/n's head, she didn't mean to look it was just freely playing. "We stayed in contact even after we graduated, we joined the organization together. He wouldn't let me join alone, he said if I do it then he does to. He got the power of pain infliction."

Wanda smiled soft watching Y/n play with her rings to kept her thoughts straight, "I remember being jealous because I thought the only power I had at the time was speed." She chuckled softly, "who knew I had this much in me."

"And more." Wanda added, Y/n nodded her head and her smile slowly faded away.

"When we were looking for you, Zemo brought me into a room. He had Aaron tied up, he was going to force him to kill me, but he made a different call causing him to-" She paused the clear her throat at her next words.

Wandas breathed hitched understanding what Y/n was trying to say. "Causing him to het killed." She said closing her eyes for a few seconds then opening them up again.

Wanda could see how tired she was, she wasn't able to bring Aaron back from the dead but she could give Y/n a final dream.

Hearing the way Y/n talked about him she knew this wasn't just a friend, he was family to her. "Lay down," Wanda said.

Y/n looked up at her girlfriend smiling a bit placing a soft kiss on her cheek before she moved down the seats resting her head on Wandas lap.

Wanda waited for Y/n to close her eyes, when she did Wanda summoned a red strand of energy to enter Y/n's mind.

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