Chapter 54

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Chiyo Pov

I walk along side Ibiki as he leads me to where Karin was being held, "As she given up information on Orochimaru and Sasuke?" He glances at me, "Surprisingly yes I haven't had to force it out of her surprisingly. Inoichi has looked inside her had to make sure the information she has given us is true and not some sort of trap."

An anbu member opens the door and Karin eyes light up when she sees me, "Chiyo!" Ibiki grunts, "Show some respect for Lady Sixth." I turn to him in mock surprise, "Awe you do care." Ibiki rolls his eyes and leaves the room so I turn my attention back to Karin who was already looking at me with a blush.

"So I heard that you haven't put a fight and are giving us the information we are asking for." Karin huffs, "Ya they could be a little nicer about it though." I chuckle a little, "Well I just came to see how you where doing, now that I know you are okay I better get going."

I turn to the door, "W-Wait!" I look at her over my shoulder, "What's going to happen to me when I give you guys all the information I have?" I smile slightly, "Well if you are deemed not a threat you will be free to live here in the village as a thank you for the information you are giving us."

She smiles widely as I step back threw the door, "You would really let her live here even when she has worked with Orochimaru?" Ibiki was leaning against the wall, I walk past him towards the exit.

"Everyone should get a second chance if they prove worthy of it. After all I wouldn't be here if I wasn't given one by Gramps Ibiki." As soon as I step out the building I place my hand on the ground and frown, why are they all gathered. I body flicker right behind Ino and Sakura, "You honestly think we will let you go threw it alone!"

"He won't be alone Tenten I'll be there." They all jump, "L-Lady Sixth!" I make a face, "Ya don't call me that it's weird anyway Naruto won't be alone I'll be there to have his back. But if I think it is necessary I'll put Sasuke down myself." Sakura looks at me with wide eyes and Naruto turns to me in disbelief, "You would kill Sasuke!"

"If I need too." He marches up to me and grabs me by the collar of my shirt, "I won't let you." My eyes harden and before he can process what happened I had Naruto on his stomach with his arm behind his back. "If it comes down to it you won't be able to stop me Naruto, I will not let everything my family has built be destroyed and I will not lose people I care about."

I let him go and I look at the others who seemed to still be in shock, "Now continue your little meeting I'm leaving." I turn around my cloak wipping around me, I don't look back but I jump a little when a hand brushes against mine.

I look next to me to find Sakura smiling softly at me, we begin to walk threw the village. We get to my office and I sit in my chair with a sigh, "Are you going to try and change my mind?" Sakura leans against my desk, "No I won't Chiyo." I raise a brow, "I trust your judgement Chiyo and will support you in whatever you choose." I pull her closer and she leans down connecting our lips together, "Thank you for that...."

She cups my face and I close my eyes leaning into her touch, "It's what I'm here for." Someone clears there throat and we both look over to see a grinning Touchan.

"Am I interrupting something." I roll my eyes as Sakura blushes a little, "No Touchan now what do you want?" He chuckles a little, "The stone sculptures there looking for you." I make a face and stand, "Go on don't keep them waiting I'm going to go check on Lady Tsunade." The three of us walk out, "I'm going to go with Sakura that way we can talk." Sakura's eyes widen a little as I narrow my eyes at him, "If I find out you do anything to Sakura I will beat you into the ground."

He waves me off, "Oh come on trust your old man." I sigh and smile slightly at Sakura, "I'll see you later."

I find myself sitting in a chair letting the sculptures measuring my face, "Great hair so unique." I sweat-drop, "Well this man sure does love what he does." I snort a little, "A little to much if you ask me." After they get the mold I slowly walk towards Kaachan's tent, "CHIYO!" Kasumi runs at me full speed with tears in her eyes, "Kasumi what's wrong, what happened?!"

She laughs slightly, "Kaachan she's awake!!!" That's all it took for me to teleport us both to Kaachan's room, "Shizune I can't breath." Touchan and Sakura where standing by her side with a smile, "Kaachan..." I whisper Shizune moves out of the way and as soon as Kaachan sees me tears gather in her eyes.

She holds her arms open to me and I rush into her squeezing her slightly, "Your okay...." I burry my face in her shoulder knowing very well we are both crying, "I'm okay but your alive little dragon...." I pull back allowing her to cup my face, "You are never allowed to do that to me again Chiyo do you hear me." I grin, "I'll try my best Kaachan." Touchan slaps me on the back, "I bet you are glad your Kaachan's awake now huh kid now you don't have to be the Hokage anymore."

Kaachan looks at him angrily, "You come here right now." Touchan gulps and moves closer to her, my eyes widen when she grabs the front of his shirt and smashes there lips together for a second. I cheer as Touchan eyes roll in the back of his head and he passes out, "That's for scaring me you baka." Kaachan mutters angrily glaring at his twitching body.

"Chiyo I'm going to need you to fill me in on what has happened."

"Hai Kaachan be ready because its a lot."

I'm glad she's awake I don't know what I would have done if she had not survived......

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