Before we begin

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Hey! So first things first thanks for reading this most likely really shitty fic. I wrote this this summer and even tho the haikyuu hype kinda died down (from what I've seen) I still wanted to write this.

I actually had this idea last summer but I never got to actually writing it but now obviously I'm here now

There will definitely be spelling and grammar errors so I apologize

I know most of you are here because you're trying to escape reality because lets be real that's the only reason you decided to open the god forsaken app so allow me to help you with that.

Writing using y/n is overrated so sorry??? Everyone says something like "yin" or "yen" anyway so :p

I'm tryna think of other things to add but I dont got much else, you'll be I trodused to the characters i added as the story goes cause i dont wanna write an introduction for all of them.

Its corny, cheesy, slowburn-y, and shittly explained

Enjoy !!

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