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Ena, Kono and I decided on the new cafe that I had already been to as a celebration spot. Before I entered Kono caught up to me.

"Hey! Wait up!" He exclaimed running up to me as I opened the door. We found a seat and waited for Ena to come who said she was on her way.

"So, what was that thing you wanted to ask me?" I asked.

"Oh uh-" he saw Ena walking down the sidewalk. "Actually...never mind now it's unimportant."

We greeted Ena as she walked in and waved her over to our table. We just ordered drinks along with some snacks to share. Ena and I offered to pay for everything since we were supposed to be celebrating Kono's win but he begged for us to split it.

"Not happening. It's your win." I crossed my arms.

"Come on. I know how much you love getting free food." Ena protested.

"Well yeah but everyone likes free food. This just makes me feel bad." He huffed.

"We're celebrating your win. Go sit down and at least act like you don't mind." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. While you guys do that I'm going to go to the bathroom." He sighed.

As we grabbed the food and took it to our table with Kono gone, I took this opportunity to fill Ena in on what Kageyama had asked me the other day.

"So it's a date!" She gasped loudly.

I kicked her under the table. "Not so loud. And no it's not a date, we're just hanging out."

"But you want it to be a date, you hope it's a date." She says, squinting as if she's trying to read my mind.

"No I don't actually. Well...no...I don't know." I go back and forth with myself.

"Well how do you feel about him?" She asked. "Like how do you feel when it's just you two talking?"

"We're good friends. We just- are always hanging out with or around a group of people so I don't know." I admitted.

"Suz. You've always been fine hanging out around anyone alone or otherwise. I mean for being such a bookworm you seem to be pretty good with people. And can I let you in on a little secret," She leaned in even though her voice never knew how to lower itself. "I've never seen you so flustered talking about anyone. You're just too slow with your own emotions to even notice."

"Hey, that was uncalled for." I crossed my arms.

"It's true. I think the reason you two get along so well is because both of you are so oblivious to your own emotions...him more than you but the point still stands." She shrugged.

"Look, I just don't know anymore." I leaned back in my chair. I noticed the bathroom door open and Kono walked out towards us.

"Just call me after and maybe I'll explain your own emotions to you like it's a school lecture. Then maybe you'll get it." She laughed.

"What does she not get?" Kono asked as he sat back down.

"How to make a damn decision." Ena sighed.


"Generally." I scoffed at my own situation.

We spent the rest of the day walking around the town, stopping at places we usually go to like the video game store where we never actually buy anything and just play whatever demos they have.

"Rocket launcher 3?" Ena read out loud looking at one of the screens.

"There was a Rocket launcher 2?" Kono asked.

"Apparently," I shrugged, "I thought the game performed so bad they got rid of it entirely."

"Want to see if it's still shit?" Kono asked, handing me a controller. After about a round and a half of glitchy mechanics and trying to figure out how the game worked we gave up.

"Definitely still shitty." I nodded as we walked out.

We made one more stop at the park before heading home. At the park we ran into Oikawa who said he was on his way home from running errands.

"The trio's back in action?" He asked, approaching us.

"Hello Tooru." Ena waved.

"Ena, long time no see." He smiled.

"Weren't you supposed to be at the game yesterday?" I asked.

"I had practice and a lot of stuff to do. I tried to come but I just couldn't get free time in my schedule. Didn't you have practice too with your little team over there?" He crossed his arms.

"Yeah but it's not like I'm practicing with them. I got permission to skip to support my friend." I smiled slyly.

"Really appreciate being the topic of conversation and not in the conversation." Kono says to the side.

We all turn to look at him and he just throws his arms up in defense.

"Anyways," Oikawa breezes over. "You guys should stop by again soon. It's like you all got a taste of high school and decided to ignore me and Iwa-chan." He clutches his heart dramatically.

"We have that nationals coming up, remember?" I reminded him.

"Doesn't mean we can't do anything after." Kono shrugged.

"I'll see if I can clear my schedule." Ena mimics, taking a jab at what Oikawa mentioned earlier.

"So rude." He scoffed sarcastically. "Ignoring that, are you guys heading home? I could just walk with Kono from here since I was heading back myself...orrr I could join?"

"Actually we were just about to split up here before we saw you." Ena laughed a bit.

"So I guess we'll see you guys later!" I waved.

"Walk me home? You word things like I'm a child." I heard Kono complain as we walked away.

"So what do you think they'd think about this date?" Ena asked as soon as we were out of earshot.

"It's not a date." I huffed looking in the other direction.

"Just because you turn your head, doesn't mean I can't tell you're flustered." She lightly pushed my shoulder. "I mean I feel like I know what Kono will be like but what about Tooru? Don't they have bad blood or something like that?"

"Tooru already knows I hang out with him, I'm constantly with the team he should expect that." I say, "but I don't care what they think since it's not a date and not their business."

"Whatever you say." She hummed.

pens, paper, and a volleyball player | k. tobioWhere stories live. Discover now