RiseTurtles x Platonic GNReader: Ready or Rock?

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A/N: I finally did it! I finally wrote a ROTTMNT fic! It's gender neutral and platonic, but a fic no less. I really hope you enjoy and I'm sorry so it's taken me this long to write another turtle fic.


"Ughh, I can't believe I missed it!" you groaned into your hands, falling back into the comfort of your bedding, the large fabric cushioning your harsh fall. Your bedroom was quiet for a few moments, the other patrons to the conversation withdrawn in thought, odd for them really. Running your palms down your face, you sat up to look at them, blinking as their eyes were already on you.

"What time did you say you had to be there again?" Leo asked, finger rubbing underneath his chin, clearly trying to display that he was thinking; although you doubt little was truly going on up there.

"Half nine, and now it's currently..." you trailed off, pulling your phone from your back pocket.

"10.45 pm, you're exactly one hour and fifteen minutes late." Donnie jumped in, moments before your screen blinked on and illuminated your face in a pale blue light.

Your shoulders slumped, unsteady smile forming back into a frown. You had planned to see this concert for months now, your favourite band were going to grace the stage and you'd be in the crowd singing and dancing along. Yet, that didn't happen. Instead, you spent your night helping the boys track down Meatsweats, stopping him from doing god knows what.

It was only meant to take an hour or so, you'd have plenty of time to still get ready for the concert. Hell, you'd probably get there before the warm-up band even got on stage!

But you didn't. You missed the entire thing and returned to your darkened room sulking like a child. The brothers apologised profusely, well mainly Raph and Mikey, both equally upset that you missed the whole concert experience.

"Maybe we could go out for pizza? I know it wouldn't be the same as going to a super fun concert, getting to see your favourite band of all time and possibly meet them, make new friends that share the same interests as you, possibly falling in love with one of those friends then getting married to the same song they played at the concert, then you'll grow old together and always remember the first time you met. But- erm, where was I going with this again?" Mikey hummed, getting completely lost in thought.

Raph pulled him away from you, stepping forward to offer his own advice and apology, "Is there anything we can do to help, it was sorta our fault you didn't get to go." His offer was nice, the sentiment behind it screaming friendship, but what could they do? It's not like they could travel back in time, although with Donnie's tech, who knew?

"No, it's okay." you huffed out, now moving around the room getting ready for bed. The boys, including Donnie, all looked somewhat in a state of denial and guilt. How could they have let this happen, and to you no less?

They left with a sombre goodbye, not wanting to dull the mood any longer with their puppy dog eyes. The moment your window was closed, curtains drawn and lights off, they hopped to the rooftops and began to mutter and rant about a plan.

"C'mon guys, we gotta do something!" Leo moaned, face serious for once in his life. Raph stood beside his younger brother, arm clasped around his shoulder as he faced Mikey and Donnie, "Leo's right, we gotta do somethin' for (Y/N), but what?"

"Ooh, we could throw them a super cool party, catering by yours truly. Yeah! We can have cake and pizza, ooh and I've been dying to try out this new recipe for this apple crumble I saw online!" Mikey keened, fists bunched up against his cheeks in excitement.

"Rain it back a little, Micheal. What we need is to recreate the concert. We take the DNA of the band members while they're asleep, put them in a patterned designed clone maker and presto! Same concert, slightly genetically modified band members!" Donnie stared at his brothers with eager eyes, clearly he's had the idea of cloning on his mind for a while.

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