Mystery man | 7

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I hadn't realised the time till I looked at my phone. " 5 o'clock!" I thought. I began to slowly pick up my walking pace. Suddenly...


The coffee's splashed over my bottom half and onto the floor.
"Hey watch I-" I snarled but paused when I looked up...


"Watch where you're going!" I remembered him from somewhere, I just couldn't put my finger on it. He had brown curly hair and brown eyes, tattoos snaked around the back of his hands and all over his upper body.His chest was now soaked.
"Merda! Ora dovrò cambaire (shit! Now I'm gonna have to change)" he groaned.

"I apologise, let me buy you another." He finally said, seeing the coffee that had spilt all down my clothes.
"Well it's the least you could do" I smirked.


We finally reached the cafe and walked back inside. The chaos had died down a little more than before.
The cashier woman slowly looked up, trembling at the sight of us. He must of been very well known if people were so scared of him.

"M-may I take y-your order p-please?"
"3 cappuccinos" I replied.
"Make it 4. I might as well" he shrugged.
"O-of coarse, I-it'll be r-right with you"

5 minutes had passed and we were brought our drinks. We were sat outside, the sunlight bouncing off of the parasol above us.
"So, seeing as though I bought you these coffees I-" I cut him off
"You owed them me" I said putting the cup down.
"Fine. We should introduce ourselves" he said forwarding his hand.

"Elijah, Elijah Volcov."
"Maria, Maria Petrova..." I said hesitantly, shaking his hand. I gasped. He raised his eyebrow.

"I've seen you in the news paper, page 14." He hummed in response.
"You're petrova... as in Daniel Petrova's daughter?" I nodded taking another sip from my coffee.

It seemed like hours has gone by. I checked my watch.
"I have to go, thank you for the coffee" I said rising from my seat.
"I owed you it, remember?" He said smirking.
"Goodbye" I said, returning the smile. And with that i left.


I walked through the door. Silas and Alek were sat in suits, watching the small television in the lounge.
"Where have you been?" Silas questioned walking towards me. I handed him the two cold coffee cups.
"Yeah... you might wanna warm them up." I ignored his rudeness and walked towards the bathroom to change. Coffee had stained my blazer. I laid my clothes down on the towel rack and got into the shower. So much was running through my mind. I felt like I had met him before. Maybe in another lifetime. The shower started to run cold. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body.

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