Decisions | 29

978 25 3

I played with the promise ring as i waited on one of the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room that felt like sitting on fucking bricks

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I played with the promise ring as i waited on one of the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room that felt like sitting on fucking bricks. I'd been here for around 2 hour at most, waiting impatiently. The doctors took him into surgery as soon as we arrived, and i haven't seen him since. 

The room was empty, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I felt cold. There was something about hospitals i hated, it reminded me of sadness. Although i suppose, miracles happen here too.

People are brought into the world here, but some are taken out of it. It's a love-hate relationship. Families are completed, but also torn apart.

"Miss carter?" A nurse spoke, approaching me with a clipboard hugged tightly to her chest. I had to change our names so we wouldn't be noticed if anyone went through the data.

"How is he?" I rose from my seat instantly.

"He's perfectly fine" she smiled warmly "the surgery went well but right now he's asleep. You can see him if you like" i nodded, making my way to his room.

I exhaled a large breath before slowly opening the door and poking my head inside. He laid still in the hospital bed. His breathing was level, his eyes rested closed. He seemed so peaceful.

I took a seat beside the bed, sinking into the plush material. I intertwined around fingers, kissing his knuckles.

"I love you to Elijah" i sniffled "but we can't keep doing this... it isn't fair"

It's true, I still love him, with everything i am. He taught me how to love again. He was my happiness, my world. But i had to make a decision...

I found a piece of paper and a pen on a nearby desk, and started to write. I allowed my feelings to flow out onto the page.

"Goodbye Elijah" i whispered, pressing a kiss to his forehead as the tears streamed down my face. I positioned the letter beside his sleeping body. I walked out, wiping the droplets from beneath my eye.



Another short chapter, but i like to think
of them as little previews for the big chapters to come.

Peace out ✌️

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