50 - It Sucks a Little Less When I Get to Do it With You

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The weekend was reaching its end and the Ravenclaw Common Room stayed  quiet after its massive party the previous night

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The weekend was reaching its end and the Ravenclaw Common Room stayed quiet after its massive party the previous night. Most people preferred to either stay inside or find a small corner somewhere in the castle to stay away from the crowds.

When evening came and students sat at the Great Hall, Sebastian felt somewhat melancholic. He had been since the day before.

Now, more than ever, he missed Cedric. He felt somewhat devious for having kissed Manuel and for even developing feelings towards Nathaniel.

Sebastian walked alone to and from the DA meeting. Victoria and Dina understood him well, letting him be until he felt better. Even during his previous years, when either of them felt like being alone, they never bugged each other.

Although people walked back to their Common Rooms in pairs or groups of three, Sebastian took a longer route, letting his friends fall back behind. He walked through the Dungeons, hoping to at least not run into Snape. Someone else caught him though.

''What are you up to, walking through here in the evening?'' Draco called, having been standing by a wall.

''Ahh, just roaming around. Sorry, not in the mood for anything,'' Sebastian replied, only looking at Draco briefly.

''Want to talk about it?''

A laugh almost escaped Sebastian. Draco was the last person Sebastian would want to discuss his personal matters with.

''I listen well,'' Draco added. ''c'mon!''

Although Sebastian knew it was Draco's way of learning more about Sebastian and his friends, Sebastian agreed to let Draco join him.

''So what's been bothering you?'' Draco asked. ''I've sort of felt like everything's gotten a bit gloomy...''

''I guess I'm homesick. I suppose I don't feel as safe as I thought I would be here... I think I've heard a lot about what happened last year and what's going on now,''

''Were things much different in Ilvermorny? Miss your friends?''

''Oh, just...'' Sebastian felt an anger rise in him. ''I don't want to talk about that anymore!''

Draco had a concerned look on his face. However, it wasn't because Sebastian had raised his voice. It was more sentimental.


''Just- everybody, as soon as I stepped here, wants to know everything about my previous life. I didn't come here because I tried to escape. I was fine living there. I loved my friends, my professors, my parents. Now that we're here, it feels as if everyone is different. And Hogwarts doesn't feel like home... not to me,''

Draco kept silent, looking away from Sebastian.

''Do you feel pressured?''

''Of course...'' Sebastian replied. ''don't we all?''

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