using you.

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CW- strong language, cigarettes, whole ass make out session😭, terrible spanish, terrible flirting, mild NSFW.

(this is about there canon characters, not the content creators)

Quackity put out the cigarette that was in his mouth, opening his communicator to a long message which sent tingles down his spine.

the message was from Dream.
some way,
Dream had gotten his communicator to work, since Sam smashed it.

"shit." Quackity spoke out, whilst reading the whisper.

Whisper from DreamWasTaken;
Quackity. you have wronged me whilst i've been in prison. i may have wronged everyone whilst i was out but that gives no right for what you have done. and i expect something back. maybe your two canon lives. and i want to kill you, so. right now, i declare a war. the best war of centuries, and the war will take place in three weeks, giving you time to get your shit together. you will have your side, i will have mine.

Quackity didn't know what to do, he was reading it over and over again. Dream had already put every one in Las Nevadas in danger.

Whisper to ; Purpled, TommyInnit, Fundy, Foolish_Gamers, Tubbo_, Ranboo/ from Quackity ;
get your asses to my restaurant in like 1 hour.

Quackity was frightened, he had to take his mind off of it, he was scared of Dream, he was scared of his friends getting hurt.

Quackity made his way to the large white casino, knowing he has to do work on it, so he continues to work on a table game.

until, Wilbur walks in of course.

"hey Q." Wilbur smiled.

Quackity puts a single block down, "hello? you're not supposed to be in here." Quackity wipes his hands and turns around. "i'll let you off this once, what's up?"

Wilbur puts his hands in his pockets "well i was in the area and i just thought id come to see you, also i have a favour from you."

"reasonable, and what's the favour?" Quackity turns around again, continue to carve into some casino chips.

"well i need a couple of things, like weapons and shit. i'll pay you back when i have enough stuff to give out, i just sort of need it right now and i know you're like the richest person in this place- i thought you could help me." Wilbur watched Quackity do his thing.

"yeah sure i can help you, i guess. depends on what you need, i mean i have everything, just depends how needy you are on a couple of things. tell me what you need." Quackity kneels down, grabbing a box of dice and opening it.

"hm, not loads. just a couple of diamonds and iron. i knew you could help though Q, you're amazing. just give me the items and i'll be on my way." Wilbur puts a hand on Quackity's shoulder. "stop working for a bit, this place looks great already."

"yeah but i'm opening my casino soon and it needs to look great." Quackity says whilst grabbing Wilburs arm and taking him to an iron door.

Quackity opens the door with a button, walking inside.

"woah, i need one of these." Wilbur smiles.

"then build one, idiot." Quackity shook his head, opening a chest and leaning into it.

Wilbur watched him carefully, memorising what's in each chest. "is this all the items you have?"

"nope. this isn't even half." Quackity smiles, happy that he gets to show his things off.

"mhm" Wilbur says whilst looking around the room.

Quackity shuts the chest, dropping a couple stacks of iron for Wilbur, then going to another chest and looking inside.

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